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Watch and Wait; or, The Young Fugitives


Word Count: 2011    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

s young master. The flesh was healed, but the spirit still smarted under the effects of the whipping. "Watch and wait," was his motto; and though he p

bone would order the preparations to be made for his annual excursion, either to the rivers above

bject broached. The excursion was a matter of considerable importance, for the planter was generally absent two or three weeks, during which time he

ednesday," said the

oing alone

ne, and you may take Dandy with you. Jak

s room enough in t

all have the more room ourselves," re

them. They were directed to put the Isabel, which was the name of the boat, in good order for the trip. She had to be thoroughly washed and d

ry little water for a boat of her size. She was provided with a centre board, and worked ad

ve feet long, and nine feet wide at the broadest part, and contained four berths. The "trunk," which was elevated about fifteen inches above the d

e was a "stow-hold," four feet long, in which the fuel and furnaces used for cooking were kept. Under the cabin table, and under the

r for some time. They might have found many a worse dwelling place on shore, for the boat had ample accommodations for them. T

former boldly announced his purpose to run away,

ng his wealth of ivories, and dropping his scrubbing

will tell every

ell no one ob it. D

en, and don't

ou gwine?" d

ks we are all dead. Then I'm going to run down to the sea, and g

mprehension of the unlettered negro boy, and he onl

Cyd, and I know where to

and I'll foller you to de end ob

will go


ut, and don't look any diffe

hen you gwine

lonel to start early the next morning. Just as soon as all the peopl

ll be a fr

the plan works well. But

s chile, Dandy. Y

d not have made y

o discharge in connection with the enterprise. He had every confidence

e was assisted by Archy's boat crew, who conveyed the articles on board; and before sunset the boat was ready for her cruise. Every locker was filled with meat, vegetables, crackers, wines, liquors, fruits, cakes, cordials-with every thing which could contrib

k from the store room. These articles were stowed in the forward cuddy, and concealed beneath the fuel and furnaces, so that the planter, when he inspec

d carefully examined every part of her, to satisfy hi

planter, when he had completed his inspec

r," repl

x weeks; you may put in six


he caterer was glad to convey on board. When these stores had been added to the stoc

on shore. Though he was burning with excitement, he managed to demean hi

th the responsibilities of his position. Though he had done every thing he could to insure the success of the venture, he was still bur

ccess; for the Isabel was so large that the two boys could not row her far enough, before daylight, to place them out of the reach of pursuit.

rpose into the ear of Lily, and to give her such instructions as the occasion required

n tied up a portion of his clothing, and crept softly down stairs. His heart beat with most tremendous pulsations. The opportunity for which he had been watching and waiting had come, and issues more terrible

e sold was to be consigned to a fate worse than death to a pure-mi

d Dandy, half a dozen times

ever uttered, but it was

he closed the front door of the house behind him

ed with excitement as Dandy joined him, for he knew the fate of the runaway if he was caught. They immediately brought the

yd, as he deposited two p

another word, or I'll leave you. Now, put these things

now in readiness for their departure, but Lily had not yet made her appearance. Cyd

lked up to the house, fearful lest something had happened to prevent her from keeping her appointment. There was

t was extinguished. Lily soon made her appearanc

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