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The Young Bank Messenger

Chapter 7 ON THE ROAD.

Word Count: 1148    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e companionship of Luke Robbins. He felt that he should be safe

y, but it had never occurred to him to lay up money, nor indeed had he had any opportuni

am afraid I can't go


re rich, comp

t a hundre

ashamed to say so, but

and share a

proud to live upon a boy. I re

d take care of me, Luke.


e on it, Ernest. If you th


hing is understood--I won'

any trouble on t

, and on the morning of the third day the two started out together, neither havin

est, whose education was decidedly superior to his companion's, was able to give him some information. So

unfavorable they stayed overnight at some wayside cabin. When the nights were

and there they came to a thriving village. There was little oc

he time when they started--Luke t

nk you'll have to leave m

, Lu

l gone. I started with fifteen

ave plen


hare it with

r what I said when

t wa

t touch a dollar

ve me alone, Luke?" plea

years old, Ernest. Is it right that I sho

ed at him i

of getting more

e mines, I might make shift to fill my p

n, and somethi

y walked through the principal street, it was clear that something had happened which had created genera

ked Luke, addressing a

f the bank robbery o

up to the window of the paying teller, and covering him with his revolver, demanded five tho

eller shoot him d

ed with loaded revolvers when on duty. B

" aske

more than money, and he had no alte

get away

one daring to interfere. Each held his revolver in r

you say thi


near at

fteen mil

hat robbery creat

e, and we are expecting a v

are t

torious criminals in the West. Numberless stories are told of

fellows been preyin

outs for three years. It is s

enough or bold enough t

Twice they were captured by a posse of men, but in each

haven't many men of

be a match for them," said th

d handled his revolver

ture them, stranger, there's a ch


is offered for eit

Luke, his face glowing with e

cheerfully. You


rnor of t

me thoughtful and

d?" he asked, when he

, Lu

s would do us a gr

ould be as much as your life

make a coward

, Luke. I only want

d dollars, and I'm going to make

are you

e a talk with the officers, an

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