The Swedish Revolution Under Gustavus Vasa
e Ceremony.-Consecration of the Bishops.-Coronation Fest
he final act deemed necessary in the election of a king had not yet taken place. Again and again the people had urged Gustavus to be crowned, but on one pretext or another he had put them
hen Gustavus was elected king, the Swedish archbishop was in voluntary exile, and nobody expected that he ever would return. Indeed, he was so far an object of suspicion at the papal court that, shortly after the election of Gustavus, the pope appointed another prelate to
ion was encountered when the royal officers endeavored to collect the tax, and, the kingdom being then in need of revenue, the project had to be postponed. There is evidence, moreover, that Gustavus was not eager for the confirmation of the prelates. On one occasion he exp
too busy, he had resolved to have the rite performed soon after Christmas, and the day he fixed at January 6. Invitations were then sent out to all the noblemen of the realm, who were instructed also to appear with all their retinues, and to bring their wives and daughters with them. Each town was asked to send two delegates to the coronation, and a certain number of persons were to represent the different parishes throughout
test, he directed that those bishops who had not received their confirmation should be sanctified through laying on of hands by those who had. As a matter of fact the only bishops whose authority had been derived from Rome were the bishops of Vexi? and Vester?s
sh people been more deeply bounden to revere their ruler. If in the annals of all history a king deserved to wear a crown, Gustavus Vasa was that king. The honor, however, was not all his own. The ceremony of coronation over, Gustavus selected from among his courtiers twelve to whom he granted the degree of knighthood. Here again, as on the day of his election, he displayed the sentiments that inspir
ributed gratuitously among the people. On the following days the ceremony was prolonged by tilt and tourney. With all the gallantry of a warmer climate two gladiators entered the lists to combat for the hand of one of Sweden's high-born ladies. The chronicler has immortalized the combatants, but the fair lady's n
been more sudden, and few, if any, have been more complete. Seven years was all Gustavus needed to annihilate the ancient constitution, and fashion another structure of an absolutely new design. The Cabinet, at one time the autocrat of Sweden, was now a mere puppet in the monarch's hand. Under the guise of leader of the people, Gustavus had crushed the magnates, with all their old magnificence and power, beneath his feet. In place of bishops and archbishops, whose insolence had been to former kings a constant men
other hand, though actuated in a measure by enthusiasm for the public weal, was driven into the contest mainly by a necessity to save himself. The calm disinterestedness which marks the career of Washington was wholly wanting in the Swedish king. His readiness to debase the currency, his efforts to humiliate the bishops, his confiscation of Church property, his intimacy with foreign courtiers,-all show a desire for personal aggrandizement inconsistent with an earnest longing to benefit his race. One must regret that the rare talents which he possessed, and the brilliant opportunities that lay before him, were not employed in more unselfish ends. It is true he gave his country a better constitution than it had before; he freed it from the atrocities of a horrid tyrant; he laid the axe at the root of many religious absurdities; and he relieved the people from a heavy load of religious burdens. But he did not lay that foundation of public liberty which the blood poured out by the Swedish people merited. Of all nations on the face of the g
ii. pp. 77, 80-81 and 93; Handl. r?r. Sver. inre f?rh?ll., vol. i. pp. 19-20; and Ko
l. iv. pp. 334-335, 360-366 and 416-417; an
Sver. inre f?rh?ll., vol. i. pp. 133-134; and Kon.
p. 136; and Kon. Gust. den F?rs
ust. I.'s kr?n
s and P
blication, whether published or not, before the yea
arum medii aeui, ed. E. M. Fant. Upsal., 1818-1828. 2 vols. fo. vol.
1518. His chronicle contains a few allusi
sis. [In Scriptores rerum Suecicaru
his chronicle refer to the expedition o
ikor, ed. G. E. Klemming. St
ere written before that time. Two of them, however, were written in the monastery at Vadstena in 1520, one running through the reign of Karl Knutsson, and the other running from 1452 to 1520. Besi
is. [In Scriptores rerum Suecicaru
ntury, lived in Lubeck, and died i
g, so Künig Christiern, des namēs der Ander
py of it is in the Royal Library at Stockholm. It is merely a denunciation of the cruelties of Christiern II., and was doubtless issued with a view to win friends
1452-1524. [In Scriptores rerum Suec
been composed by Spegelberg, the secret
686 ad annum 1525. [In Scriptores rerum
posed by various unknown hands in the four
rum Prussicarum, ed. T. Hirsch, M. T?ppen, and E. Strehl
e time of Gustavus, but it seems not to have been written by him. It is in Low German. Pages 517-528
i Secundi. [In Scriptores rerum Sueci
of 1520 was written at some pe
. [In Scriptores rerum Suecicarum
eder Svart from a rhythmic Latin chronic
um rerum Danicarum medii aeui, ed. J. Langebek. Ha
ugh it has been continued by a later hand to the year 1555. The MS. was found in 1650, in the church a
r?nika, ed. G. E. Klemm
a strong, pure style, and with a critical judgment. His Svenska kr?nika is the first history of Sweden written in modern Swedish. It was
.'s historia. [In Handlingar r?rande Skandinaviens histor
a battle. His Ber?ttelse seems to have been written for the king. It is chiefly a chronicle of Swedish wars, running from 1518 to 1536. The or
annum 1545. [In Scriptores rerum Sue
ting to the monastery at Vadstena. Written by unk
1220 till 1552. [In Scriptores rerum S
vents in Sweden, by an unknown autho
tere, eorumque memorabilibus bellis late uarieque per orbem gestis, opera Olai Magni Gothi
Magni. It runs to the year 1520. The writer lacks critical judgment, and his work abounds in errors. He writes as one who, though wr
superstitionibus, disciplinis, exercitiis, regimine, uictu, bellis, fructuris, instrumentis, ac mineris metallicis,
brother's election to the archbishopric. After his brother's disgrace he followed him, as his secretary, to Rome, and at his brother's death was appointed archbishop of Upsala by the pope, but never attempted to assert his right. Died in Rome in 1558. He was a man of remarkable memory, and possessed str
lesiae Upsaliensis in regnis Suetiae et Gothiae. [In Sc
e in 1557, with a preface by Olaus
?nikan. [In Scriptores rerum Suecic
d indeed all men of his time as a writer of Swedish prose. This work is nothing but his brother's Svenska kr?nika, wholly revised, with the o
is Magni Gothi Upsalensis, quibus in historia sua a
h the press, the Danish chancellor suppressed the pages bearing Svaning's name, and the book was published under that of a German professor named Rosefontanus, who had died in 1559. The name of the printer and place of publication was also left out, and it was made to appear as if compiled
iernus II. Daniae rex
s written with much vigor, though somewhat unfa
innelige, och h?gloffligaste furstes och herres, H. Gostafs, Sweriges, G?
21, 1560, by Peder Svart, who had formerly been preacher to the court and had been made
s kr?nika, ed. G. E. Kle
ly to the year 1533. The original MS. is in the Royal Library at Stockholm. Svart writes in a forcible and at the same time easy style. Nor
Wester?s stifts biscopar, ed. A.
ishops of Vester?s
potentiss. principis, ac D. D. Gostaui, S
out pagination, and is without date or place of publication, though it is believed to have been printed
marstadense. [In Scriptores rerum Sue
the order of the days of the year. The compiler was born about 1490, and died in 1565.
toricae. [In Scriptores rerum Suecic
stavus might know what estates to claim. Under Erik XIV., as well as under his brother Johan, Ludvigsson held the post of secretary to the king. He died in 1594. As a writer he shows great industry and poor judgment. The Collectiones comprises a continuation of Svart's chronicle to 1560, a chronicle of Erik XIV., and a compilation of the early Swedish chronicles from 1362 to 1522. Of
ka, ed. B. Bergius.
one of the sons of Gustavus Vasa, and con
eaties, and ot
lution number several thousand. Nearly all of these ha
.'s regi
the course of the year which they represent, though some of them were not compiled till 1600 or even later; and portions of the contemporary folios, left incomplete at the time, are filled out by a later hand. Besides this collection, the Registratur originally embraced fifteen folios of the king's letters to foreign powers, and so
's acta h
of Gustavus Vasa. Many of them are found transcribed in the Registratur. Some, not so transcribed, have been published in th
's bref m
yal Archives at Stockholm. Most of them are found transcribed in the Registratur. Some, not so transcribed, have been published
I.'s r?
Gustavus Vasa. It is preserved in the Royal Archives at Stockholm. Most of these r?ds
?ld sam
ins copies of many original MSS. now lost. Portions of these folios have been printed. As now bound, volumes 2, 3, and 4 of that portio
ocuments bearing on the Swedish Revolution will be
Reformationis in Suecia, ed.
ts on the Reform
erni II. illustrantia, ed. P
ttle of Br?nnkyrka; also a document of 1520 resigning Stockholm Castle to Christiern
, 1852-1860. 9 vols. 4o.
of documents in the Ro
ker. Se
luth, ed. A. A. von Stiernman.
issued by diets and conv
ur utl?ndska arkiver, ed. C. G. Sty
om the Private Archives of Denmark, relating
iern den Andens og Frederik den F?rstes His
to 1530 on the history of C
og Historie. Samling til det Norske Folks Sprog
ct of Viken by Sweden to Norway, 1523-1535; also
in Norby och de under hans ledning st?ende krigsf?retagen m
s on Christiern II.'s ex
relandets Historie og Sprog. Danske Magazin,
he preceding title. It contains a few letters relating
. Aarsberetninger, ed. C. F. Wegene
ents in the Private A
droit des gens, ed. J. Dumont.
ean treaties from the
azin. See
e la Gardiska bibliotheket p? L?ber?d, ed. P. Wieselg
istory of Sweden, preserved in the
rius. 4e ?rg?ng.
letters from
skapet Dalarne, ed. C. G. Kr?ningssv?rd & J. Lid
relating to Dalarne
ar. See
nska historien, ed. E. M. Fant.
lands h?fder, ed. A. I. Arvidsson
s Kyrko-historia, ed. W. G. Lagus. N
ivet p? Trolle-Ljungby, ed. G. Ande
andlingar. S
lysning af Swenska h?fder, ed. S.
. C. Adlersparre. Stockh
?rs?kringar, dagtingan, f?rbund, f?rskrijffningar,
of Swedish public docu
F?rstes registra
ingar, ed. J. A. Lindblom. L
etters of Bishop Brask
Suecana, ed. J. H. Sch
uments from
a ex archiuo Palmski?ldiano, ed
idshistoria. 1a Samlingen, ed.
the history of Finla
er til Nordens Historie i Grevefeidens Tid, ed.
cuments on the history of Denmar
ang?ende Sweriges Riges commerce, politie och oeconomie,
Swedish public documents
dii aeui, ed. J. Langebek. Ha
M. Fant. Upsal., 1818-1828. 2 vols. fo. vol.
nska Kyrko och Reformations historien, ed.
lection of document
. C. G. S?dergren. Vexi
ments relating to th
dningar om l?rda saker. ?r 1767, ed
letters from
e Sverges inre f?rh?llanden under Konung Gustaf I.,
e in the Royal Arc
iges historia. 1a serien, Konung Gustaf den F?rstes regist
he Royal Archives at Stockholm. Published th
fter r?rande Skandinaviens Historia. Handlingar r?rande
f documents from various sou
ndskrifter r?rande Skandinaviens Historia. Histor
f documents from various sou
andinaviens Historia. Samling af instructioner r?rande den civila f?rv
te lycklige tidehvarf f?r Sveriges allm?nna hush?llning, under Gust
documents from the
brefv?xling 1527-1528, ed. J.
asa. Is supplementary to Brask's letters as published in L
tsf?rfattningens historia under tidehvarfvet 1521-1718. Ie de
e magter, ed. O. S. Rydberg. S
um heiligen Stuhl under Johann III., Sigismund I
the time of Gustavus Vasa
g. Tidskrift, ed. C. J. Ljungst
nesf?rening. Tidskri
works bearing on Gustavus Vasa, and w
nder Hans, Christiern den Anden, Frederik den F?rste, Gu
tionens historia. Upsal., 1850-1851. 3
v Wasa's, K?nig's von Schweden. Tubing., 1801. 2
horum, continens integram historiam Ecclesiae Sue
ror, med flera m?rkelige h?ndelser, som sig under K. Gustaf d. I.'s rege
?n. Upsal. & ?rebro, 1835-1857. 2 vols. 8o. & ny
den F?rstes historia. 3e up
Vasa, king of Sweden. With extracts fr
no 1518. [In Scriptores rerum Suecic
of seventeenth century.
Histoire de la Suède pendant la vie et sou
af den F?rste, med s?rskildt afseende p? f?rvalt
istorien. Stockh., 1823-1848. 10 vols. 8o
historia. ?rebro, 1832-1836. 3 vols
irchengeschichte. Bonn, 1824-1853. 3 vols. 8o
's den I. och Erich's den XIV.
ianum: thet ?r, ett kort uthtogh aff K. Gust
mynt och warors w?rde i Swerige, under Konu
landen, then ?ldre Mest. Oluff Petri Phase, f?rsta Evangeliska Kyrkioherde ?fwer Stockholms stad, t
?nike tilligemed Bispekr?niken. Ki
?ldre och nyare anteckningar.
principis ac domini, Domini Gustaui Primi, Suecorum, Gotho
mi et Christianissimi principis ac do
us aeui moribus, institutis ac ritibus indigenis pro re
ia a Rege Berone tertio usque ad Ericum d
andiam. Cuilibet successiue dioccesi, ab anno DCCCXXXV. ad praesent
, Daniae, Noruegiae, atque una Islandiae, Gronlandiaeque, tam Ecclesiasticis quam politic
um 1523. [In his Opera omnia, Florentiae, 1
2-1870. 46 vols. 8o. vol. xxii. pp. 863-
vens Feide. Kj?benhavn
onfessionis, Augustis defensoribus. Das ist: historische Relation, von Zweyen K?n
ska Kyrkans historia. Lu
Episcoposcopia Suiogothica
-theologicum, de Gustauo I., rerum sacrarum in Sueci
s Ericson, king of Sweden. With an introductory history of Sw
kets historia under konungarne af Wasa
F?rste och hans tidehvarf s?rdeles de tvenne f
gar. Stockh., 1877-1881. 6 vols. 8o. Vol. ii.
Christelighe herres, der Gustaffs, fordom Sweriges, G?th
h?fder f?r K. Gustaf I.'s regeringstid. [In Suom
de regno Sueciae et bellis ciuilibu
volutions de Suède. Paris, 1695. 2 vols
tationen i ?ldre tider, till och med
Geschichte im Zeitalter der
eter. Hansische Chron
rs, praebendaters och closters jordegods. [In H
y command of the kin
s-canonie-prebende-sampt kyrckie och kloster-gods, och deras reduction. [In
y command of the kin
hannes Magni his legate
us to restore
enburg, king of
Magni is se
endship for Petri, 155; writ
hdeacon of
tion of New T
et of Vester
approach th
s made prior of
at, 42; Gustavus quarrel
Christiern to Sture, 48-50; reappoint
awal from
cy, origi
s, orig
grandmother of G
of, 221-223; auth
ther of Gustavus
luence of f
orby, 178 and 183-184; i
of Norby i
riven from
uence of fa
vileges gran
under his seal, 103; joins
Diet of Str
n to aid the
Church property is bei
id for expedition against G
redrik to G
d by Gustav
tri with h
i concerning h
erning Luth
for the C
he marriage of Pet
s Fredr
out Chris
bout Nor
ut Sunnanv
bout the
e treaty with H
ut Dalarne
ation of the B
Gustavus about
d by Gustav
th of Gust
ainst dispu
Diet of Vest
of, 2
a, battle
ress to be h
n), captur
constitution, 9-11; it
ter of
its foreigne
ty in Diet of
ion under Gu
d by Gust
her of Gusta
rn into Burgundian League, 8
ty with Sw
is influence in
troduction of, i
., king of D
Denmark, his character,
n for Dyve
with Gustaf
ed by Stu
m truce with
on against S
at Br?nnky
ery of
orts to recove
to the p
is fleet to
to Stockh
kholm in tr
e Swedish mag
tion t
murdering Swed
Fredrik and Gu
iance with,
cover Sweden, 190
e Gyllenstjer
g Hans, defends the ca
ria, is elected kin
s of, 5-6; sides with Denm
of, 1
to pay Lu
her on grounds
ves her of her
VII., po
of, 107-108; alterat
hristiern II. in, 34;
ked to proc
in, 15; Sten Sture
e is suppor
to rouse the pe
alled by the pe
entre of the
of peopl
cruits forc
ces of,
acy in,
us to stay discon
ion in,
goes to
writes to
ies to appe
emns rebell
discusses rebel
ged with cons
tion of, 85; Da
from, 67; privileges granted
son return
den and, 13-25, and 35-117; "
istress of Chris
, privileges g
Engelbrekt), reb
chosen king of Sweden,
storming of Vester?s,
placed in command
stavus pl
concerning auth
s force to, 105; Norby
d by Gust
s for lan
to be about
e treaty with
hatred of Ch
is said to have been ma
n, his opposition to Christiern, 1
claim to S
er of Gotla
onement of con
in league with
congress at
ns with Nor
d by Norby
toward Gusta
on Norby
eking to
iendship to Gu
ning Knut and Sun
with Gustav
Sten Sture, 19; reconciles S
bishop of L
n is not ra
s Stock
by Christi
lf with Chri
iversity of Upsala, 27; holds
rites t
isputation with
Diet of Vest
are in the Refo
agni goe
mands, 18; Gustavus plans e
war again
ress at Malm? co
pedition ag
rs to surr
ition of Gust
een handed over t
s deman
goes t
uthority o
y of, 226-228 and 244-245; Diet of
n Stockho
See Vasa (
marries Sten Sture the Youn
ley with the D
th the Dan
s Stockho
before Chr
oned in D
alliance wit
conspiracy again
n imprisoned by Gus
on of her b
k, 17; his hostility
nized as
ed to f
h of
out Gustavus
stina, 69; are said to have s
anted to, 114
of Gotlan
the congress
s), is elected bi
island near S
ises force in, 198; Sweden
tion of Gustavus for, 150
mbassador to
ling toward th
tavus Vasa, his early history,
r of Cab
of Kastelhol
ncellor of the Sw
tavus at, 62; Christie
ed by Ves
of, 1
sails t
of Gustav
s son arri
osed from com
tes to peopl
s boy is k
of Mehlen
of, 18
at, 19
sends fle
ature, 18; violation o
n, its form
ment of Gustavus, 54-55; es
, grandfather of
7-108; are forbidden by Danish c
the soldiers of
ologizes fo
in Sweden, 14
tes to Dalar
s denounce
, origi
g, fanaticism
of Vester?s, 138; joins cons
omfort in
mands surre
on of,
l), regent of
n), grandfather o
ommand of Danish forces, 63; m
effort to subd
Swedes at Up
ence with Ch
d by Chris
battle a
dish depreda
indulgences, 48; appoints tribunal t
icates S
d by Johanne
bishop of, 21; palace of b
id by bishop
heart of conspira
avus to, 60-61; her ha
to Gustavu
ed by Sweden to,
n to, 121 and
of her loan to
delegates to cong
nse Towns to b
n the Swedish
ve fortified
ons with Gust
re payment of
oward the Ref
rs in Sweden, 62; accompanies Christier
ead in Sweden, 154; Petri
Gustavus t
es concerni
s concernin
his teachi
ion of the B
not adopted teachin
embodied in Sw
o accept teachi
ife of, 126; is appointed
rchbishop of
e to obtain confi
es about the
o repress her
translation of th
ent of,
between Bra
by Gustavus, 136; is sent to
elected bishop of V
147-148; Gustavus
s regent of Swed
e Netherlands, forms t
to Hoya, 152; is wrong
astery of, is
share in the R
o Gustavus, 105; is given command of
from Got
of Gustavu
of, 1
ry of,
anaticism o
s, nature
7-89; Gustavus write
h envoys are s
he Baltic, 28; Gustavus takes
influence of
orm treaty wit
, great-grandfather
Vestg?te, 101-102; r
es ?bo
ores of Ba
relieve St
or Denm
ations from
ith checking
ht to be in leag
ies to delu
lliance with Ch
id to be in le
nspires wi
fiefs in Bl
Fredrik and Gustavu
ons with Gust
of, 1
o the grand duk
a, Revolutio
to, 88; Knut and Sunnan
ites to Cab
on of Sture
render of Cas
storming of Vester?s,
nfluence of fa
life of, 155; wrangles at
e and character, 154-156; is
ity clerk in S
ation with G
ge, 169-17
isputation with
roach the king a
between Bra
is sent on e
of, 234-235; Gusta
ik's daughter
character of, 119-120
ts in the Swe
of, 90-91; evils
ish Revolution wit
island near
opric of Upsala, 6; Gad is
n the Refor
of Gustav
ns return
mpions, 2
kings be sanc
us fea
omes independent o
), Gustavu
Sweden, 17; is again
aty with
ifies treaty
ome of Gusta
86-87; skirmish of D
of, 221-223 and 231-23
aught in sc
fluence over Ch
e), Gustavu
nd 133; Francisco of Potentia is sa
aid by bish
be translated b
presses bis
r?s consecrates
ad of affairs in Sweden, 91; conce
d from of
professor in Unive
seeks to incite
is elected bishop
Vestg?te, 101-102; Gustavu
ed to Ho
m, revol
ee Stur
unger. See Sture
castle at, 22; des
by Chris
rn arriv
triumphal ent
al in,
e in,
ils to capt
in lays sieg
aises sieg
ain lays si
tinues siege
by Gustavu
tion o
dations at, 76;
bishop of,
etri and Andre
concerning cl
aid by bish
be translated b
ester?s by b
presses bis
r?s consecrates
gent of Sweden, 16; is opp
ns of Denm
ected re
h of
astery is fou
is war with Erik Trolle, 24
Trolle for the arc
ween Trolle
iations with Ch
th the Dan
y Christie
is exhu
d son of
y to Sten Sture, 18-19; is r
astle of ?
ted reg
h of
, 20; dispute co
of, 4
om bishopric of Vester?s, 137-138;
omfort in
mands surre
on of,
ee Sture
, is elected bi
n of, 4-5; introduction o
by warfare
, 28; Christiern pit
armigers from, 8; is provided for b
ologizes fo
for by Cabin
rne about, 213-
sale of indu
, battl
ence of fam
to Sten Sture, 19; endeavors
s son appointed
acter, 36; is appointed a
to Sten St
a diet in Sto
isoner by S
s archbish
conciled t
ion of allegiance
ence with Ch
e Swedish ma
eck the power o
to Denma
writes to the po
es to Rome ab
tes to Dalar
mand of Christie
s said to
ects fugitives, 196; returns
pretended son of S
of Bible is
nicates wit
op of Sweden, 18; founds
nted archb
nation of Ch
to Gustav
hop's palace, 20; electi
sity o
e at,
d by Gusta
red by Tro
f archbish
reaks ou
on held i
id by archbi
rowned in Cat
ainst Gotland is determ
2-3; influence
is birth, 1-2; his
with King
ion at Ups
at court, 31
the battle of
by Christi
ned in Den
om Kal? Ca
in Lubec
t Kalma
the people of
ice from Ulf
use the Dal
o Norwa
en lead
his arm
is soldi
s Upsal
s Upsala
effort to take St
man?uvres of hi
to his si
Commander of Sw
buscade for
ce to Fin
to Stockhol
eck for a fl
ege of Stock
his force
t at Stre
ted kin
holm in triu
with murdering Swed
ohannes M
to pay the debt
sk to aid the
ove condition o
soothe the pe
or confirmation of t
me about Tro
again and to
and dean of Ves
on against Got
Brask for a
f the new tax on
Fredrik concerning
with Gotlan
he congress at
s Brask,
eting to improve
toward Luth
erning Luth
n opposing th
t of the Ana
marriage of
nsurrection in D
t of Fredri
st of Chri
in Kalmar
to stay disco
d with Fredr
ons with Fred
tions with No
oncerning Knut and S
s against No
and Sunnanv?
out debt to L
y with Russ
ith the Dale
bishop of Tro
to be transla
he monaster
s Brask,
e of favorin
the the Dale
s Magni,
bo and Arbo
with the Dale
Church at Ves
e diet,
he crown,
is enemie
thdraw his resi
granted by the
ncement to the
s Brask,
mation of the
ations to coron
irmation of the
ns on his ca
aphy of,
Sweden, 23; privileges gr
ege of, 69;
s are concen
nforced by Da
ew bishop of,
ses bishop an
aid by bish
e Dominican mon
of mint
of, 2
he other bish
inantia," ter
cess," terms
ege to Stegeborg, 101-102
s Kalma
ations in
ishop of, 206; receives au
een Fredrik and Gus
Hanseatic League, 1
nduct in si
d by Lubec
f Gustavus k
, comparison betwee
, privileges g
Petri stud
vileges gran
avus, 105; forces of Gus
of bishop
id by bishop
rels with Cha
nted at Diet o
r?s consecrates
ations of Ves
ege of cas
s, Cambridge: J
een corrected without note. Origi