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The Sky Detectives; Or, How Jack Ralston Got His Man


Word Count: 1544    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ut the various duties that were seemingly on their program. Among other things Jack

st while endeavoring to close in on Slippery Slim. With his accustomed sagacity Jack made notes of some of the facts thus laid before him; but since these were in s

connected with former attempts at locating the hideout, where all this

ng the very atmosphere of the undertaking, until he found himself sympathetic with the aims a

re, "so as to retire to our room at the hotel. No going out after nightfall for us just at present, especially in a strange city, wh

y probably had already picked out just the screen play he wanted so badly to see; but he was a good

e're bound to be up against, in trying to keep our movements secret; so

eady to hit the hay, to stick it out till cock-crow around daylight-an' then some. Pretty fair sleeper, they always called me across the big pond-crawl out as the last horn was blowin', rub

ke a book," Jack to

u had that confab with M

al, which by degrees I'll have to sort out, keeping

at," mused Perk; "an' if it's a fair question,

to make certain that no one was dogging their footsteps, after which he lowered his voice almost to a whisper, to add: "but that would be only for a blind, in case hostile eye

row a big scare into me, Jack, 'cause it'd been 'bout settled 'tween us that the ga

ere no spy can steal our thunder. Slim's knocked the underpinning away from a bunch of fine schemes looking to his undoing, simply by finding ou

Yankee effect, "guess not if we kn

a severe scrutiny by the suspicious one; however, they reached their objective without his having run across any reason for making a decision; and shortly afterwards they were securely lodged in their room, the door loc

ated, and answered the flood of questions asked by his comrade, as well as he was able; until he found a chance to go deeper into

brought this subject up, for he chanced to have a tremendous appetite, and was apt to give considerable time to figuring what

oining room, evidently under a mistaken belief it belonged to himself and Perk, Jack made sure to carry all his impo

ut of the window, holding back the curtains to see the be

feelin' like the bottom was adroppin' out-soup an' such soft stuffs, while fillin' at t

t their future course as lying over the almost boundless plains of Texas, across New Mexico, and deep into Arizona deserts, to the wild country along the border not far distant from the spot at which the Gila

like an open fan, northwest into San Diego and Los Angeles-northward up to Salt Lake City-and in the northeast as far as Oklahoma. To ef

if he had a pocketfull of ready cash, furnished by a bountiful Uncle Sam; a bill of fare bristling with all kinds of te

rk, as usual, kept turning his head this way and that very much like a wolf scalp-hunter looking for his suspicious quarry. Present

bloodhound on the track o' a runaway nigger fro

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