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The Sicilian Bandit / From the Volume Captain Paul""

Chapter 8 --TREACHERY.

Word Count: 2253    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

honest dealer in contraband, belonging to the village of Gesso, and to two females the latter had brought with him from Messina. This delicate attention sensibly effected Bru

he fortress, the most noted cooks of Bauso were placed in requisition, and all that sing

lli a letter, which a countryman from Gesso had placed in his hands.

has chosen his

, comrade?"

s from Captain Luigi Cama

rveyor of rum

ore, and has a full cargo which he wishes to dispose of

n very good company, so make yourself easy; if you are not too long gon

ring to yield to the reasoning of his host; "the be

hole night before u

is guest, proceedings did not suffer by his absence. Bruno was amiable enough for any two, and the conversation began to assume the most animated character, when the door opened,

ou have brought any of those Turkish pastilles, a packet of Latakia tob

tese; "but on this occasion, I hav

d Bruno. "Pray sit down, sit down, and once again yo

s are charming," replied the Maltese; "but I hav

" asked

u," replied

on," sa

o you alone," s

o, "I'll hear you tomor

you immediately,"

not too many here, and I make it a rule when I feel comfort

ject I wish to allude

n looks after honest men; he

e emptied

et me hear your sermon, we'll lis

give in to the whim of his host

en, what is i

hat the justices of Calvaruso, Spadafora, Bauso,

Bruno, carelessly, at the same time emptying

ause of their arrest?"

of his mistress having retired to a convent, has taken it into his head that they have been too slow, and have s

o," said t

o, "I am quite aware

se, "there may be some circumstance

but go on, and I will acknowledge my ignoranc

met together, and each has put down twenty-five

eighteen hundred and ninety livres. You see, if my books are not

his sum to two or three men, known as your common ass

am quite certain they will not mee

answered the Maltese;

his brow and grasping his dagg

purpose of purchasing some Turkish goods, when a servant entered the room and whispered a few words in his ear. 'Very well,' said the prince, 'let him come in.' He then made

" said

our fortress, and to place you in their hands unarmed while you were at supp

who this man is

aid the

me?" sa

do Tom

the bandit; "he was h

the castle?" inqu

you came in,"

the police and the soldiers; for, as far as I

I was," s

you wish to escape, you h

aughing. "Ali! Ali!" an

e of my dogs loose in the court-yard, and send the fo

n began

o, with an imperative look; "we must have no sin

women we

ese ladies company; for my

e-box, and went towards the door; but as he was a

matter?" said

you;-are they not fine beasts? Silence, my tigers!" continued Bruno, opening one of

low growl and

ent Ali entered the room with Pascal's favourite bitch, Lionna: the noble creature went straight up to her master, re

said Bruno, patting the dog fondly on th

he Maltese and the two wom

garden door and began to walk round its bounds. Suddenly Lionna stopped, snuffed the air, and walked straight up to one part of the enclosure: as soon as she reached the wall, she r

seemed to guess her master's intention; and crossing the room in which the two women and the Maltese were anxiously awaiting the end of the adventure, she went into an adjoining chamber, in which there was no light and the window was open. She had scarcely entered when, crouching

hree bounds towards an olive-tree, and then heard a cry of agony: Lio

ecognised as that of Placido. "Help, it is I! C

ed Bruno, "kill him, my goo

duel by the uncertain light of the moon. He could perceive two bodies, whose forms were indistinct, struggling, rolling on the ground, and rising again, and seeming as if they were but one: for the space

ing from wounds inflicted with a knife, and even from the bites of her antagonist, he saw the musket-barrels of soldiers glittering in the rays of the moon, and advancing up the road that led fr

said the

tain?" ans

Placido Tomaselli?

ed Bruno; "but there is another

ean next to do?" a

can in the first in

inquired t

no, coolly, "and then-blow my

this began to sc

nd give them all they ask for except a candle, for fear t

ed creatures fel

d Bruno, stamping his fe

ccent, that the two girls rose and followed Ali w

the lights, and get into some corner where the bullets cannot reach

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