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The Mystery of Arnold Hall

Chapter 2 ANNE

Word Count: 2261    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e the aisle, she met the amused gaze of

ely, leaning forward, "was I-doing

" responded the gir


at young man back of you as if your lif

atricia, in g

inched the poor fellow, a

smoker. With crimson face, Patricia watched the slight boyish figure, with its

r something I didn't know I was doing; and if I try to explain, it will l

he other girl, raising up in her chair to lower the s

people saw me?" persisted Patricia

with their heads close together, evidently discussing some important question; a young mother, absorbed in the baby in her arms;

anew in her chair, and smoothing out the skirt of her dark green

tricia, opening her brown

y any chance you were go

in the world mad

rain, which, this time of year, is a favorite one for the Granard stude

did my Freshman work at Brentwood; s

ss of 19-. I'm one of your classmate

inted with some one before I get to Granard. I confess I hav

to get on with, and you'll soon feel as if you'

simple to break into a class whose cliques and customs h

Granard?" inquired Anne curiou

thanks for the second question which enabled her to

med Anne, adding, quickly and somewhat

suspicions which had arisen in Anne's mind as to possibl

e, turning a vacant chair to face

led herself with one foot tucked under her, a habit when

yet where you


at Patricia in astonishment. "Yo

d Patricia, in

a waiting list for it. You're a lucky girl to be able to break right

note of gratification in Patricia's tone, nor the admiring gaze of

rl, evidently, or old Hattersley would never have let her get into Arnold Hall. It evidently wasn't money; for though Patricia's clothes were in good taste,

registrar, somebody by the name of Hattersley, had promptly replied that one had already been reserved for her in Arnold Hall. They ha

Betsy?" inquired P

d Anne, smiling broadly;

, but when my cousin won a scholarship at Granard, she rented her house and took an apartment down here so she could give Ted all the comforts of home during his course. She meant well, of course; but I feel sort of sorry for Ted. I fancy h

Anne. "He was at the Zeta Omega Hou

Dad that she could take me in just as well as not, and th

o be less comfortabl

ver since I knew what college was. Tell me someth

r and her cheeks redder and redder as she became more and more interested. Neither of the

as the train began to slow down. "I didn't realize that we were nearly in. We cha

farthest from the train a bus was waiting for passengers; and just as they reached it, the rain, now driven by a brisk wind,

, peering out of the doorway at other travele

a leaned forward just as the young man with the light hair bound

he cried, flushing brilliantl

ad made her cry, whether she was really badly hurt or not. It was a most embarrassing habit, now that she was grown up. As she elaborately

e," observed Anne, as the driver closed the doors

little dreaming what the future held in store fo

l about one-half mile from the c

?" inquired Patricia,

ee singles on the first fl

at it will be near you, and

tracing designs on the s

ed one. It's a bit loneso

tried to boss you as mine frequently does. Joan and I are usual

om mate, if I have one," said Patricia earnestly. "Maybe

to heart everything the girls may say. Living all together, as we do

ng, and the two girls ran hastily across

have come down to meet the bus. Don't blame 'em much on such a 'nausty'

nne's arm, as she opened her green umbr

s; what a

! I must have lef

ejaculated A


f the driver finds it, and brings it bac


acket. "Might as well sit down, I suppose," she commented, leading the way to a

," offered Patricia heroi

, pushing back some little red curls which had es

gratefully; for she had hated to think

ert a friend

n need,'" qu

, "what became of the blond youth? I di

same. I was too excited over m

oubt it. I've never seen him before, bu

did," beg

ollege fellow in your life

," said Patri

t, just the same, I am curious

re surprised when a grey bus loomed up in the distance. As soon as i

a bag?" she de

r wrinkled up his forehead

ared, with relief. "P

iss; but

red Patricia, a

w whose it was, and we have to turn everything

a group of girls who had gotten off of the bus,

"couldn't you bring Miss Randall's bag down on your next

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