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The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival / The Belle of the Delaware

Chapter 3 A NEW SCENE

Word Count: 4280    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ation as governess-he made but slight objections, and at last gave his consent. I immediately sent an advertisement to the Philadelphia papers and received several answers; amongst the

could command. The grounds were handsomely laid out, the gardens cultivated to the extreme of art, and in short, it bore more resemblance to the resi

se. The lodge was situated on a rising hillock and fronted the river, from which it was not more than a hundred yards distant. To the north of the house was a thick wood, containing trees of many years growth. In this sylvan retreat

ldest not more than six years of age. I found Mr. Clarence to be a perfect gentleman, courteous, polite and agreeable. I soon felt quite at home with him. Mrs. Clarence never interfered with me, and days passed without my even

would press my hand and retain it in his, and when I wore a low-necked dress I observed that his eyes were fixed on my white shoulders

the door and I mounted a handsome bay pony, while my companion rode a large gray horse which appeared but half broken. Mr. Clarence assisted me to mount and in doing so I exposed a considerable portion of my limbs, my petticoats ge

ith him. At the turn of the road, from some cause or other, the rider was thrown off and deposited on th

s he rose to his feet. "Here am I, six miles from ho

not mind, you can ride behind me. The pony can b

discommode you

estors, you know, u

turned, and springing on the pony

e, dear reader, that I began to feel a strange sensation running through me. Whether my companion detected my sensations or not, I cannot say, but certain it is that the arm that encircled my waist was raised until his hand rested on my bosom, outside my riding habit; however, I made no attempt to remove it, and encou

I, "this is wrong-rem

amored with you. My wife is sick and unable to receive my embrac

strawberry nipples. With his other hand he managed to raise my petticoats from behind, and I felt myself sitting bare-bottomed on his lap. This was not all, for between my fleshy thighs was his instrument, which he had managed to disengage from his pantaloons. He now raised me up slightly and in another moment

motion he made was sufficient to cause his lance to move in and out of me. During this exciting proceeding, Clarence was titillating my clitoris in front, and turning my head around he kissed my lips in the most

wever, in most delicious conversation on the way. When we reached Rivers

"I must enjoy you once more-

bert, do with me as y

thes up above my navel. He paused awhile to gaze on my hidden cha

at a graceful, rounded and polished belly, and then what a delicious

to bear between my widely stretched thighs, I soon felt it forcing its way into my sensitive vagina. I raised my buttocks to meet his thrusts and experienced the most delicious sensation. His motions grew quicker and the end approached. I wiggled my bottom from side to side. I gave utteran

d I enjoyed a repetition of the scenes I had passed through with my cousin. I found Herbert very ardent and ver

gave me the information with manifest pleasure painted on his face and I felt sure her coming pleased him; for my own

d in the most exquisite manner. Her face was really lovely, her features faultless, her complexion fair as Parian marble and yet the hue of health was on her cheeks-the white and red contrasting in admirable manner. Her hair was a dark glossy brown and hung in natural ringlets on her snowy neck and sh

e retired early as she was tired from her journey. She undressed very quickly and was soon between the sheets. I quickly followed her example. The moment I lay by her side she clasped me in her arms and pressed a warm kiss on my lips. I returned it, for I began to feel attracted by this delicious creature, and the warm contact

leaving the whole of the lower portion of his body uncovered. Straddling him, with one foot resting on the ground and with the other on the divan was the beautiful Amy. Her dress was open in front, leaving her splendid breasts entirely bare. Her petticoats were elevated above her navel and thrown behind her white belly, her voluptuous thighs, her magnificent limbs, and above all that masterpiece of nature, her lovely Mons Veneris entirely exposed to my gaze, for she stood directly facing me. His instrument had penetrated the luscious lips of her slit. While I was watching he gave one tremendous heave upwards with his buttocks and sent it into her body clear up to his testicles. She was evidently gorged with delight and enraptured, for her lovely face expressed the most in

oming," suddenly excl

sh upwards which she replied to by a corresponding motion downwards, they both remained motionless, his staff so deeply engulfed in her that the

es and kissed Herbert repeatedly on the lips. The warmth of her

rling," said she.

e returned. "We shall have no opportunity until to

s. He then drew her on his knee and began gently to titillate her clitoris with his finger, she performing her part by covering and uncove

e your titillations much longer," said

g," replied Herber

y were together, they seemed to experience the utmost voluptuousness. Amy especially appeared to be enjoying the delights of heaven. Her rapid movements, her exclamation of supreme pleasure,

d. Her nightdress, too, was open in the front, leaving her delicious breasts exposed. They were firm, round and white as the driven snow, and surmounted by delicate pink nipples. Her beautiful hair covered the pillow like a veil. Her ruby lips were slightly separated, revealing her pearly teeth, and her lovely cheeks were tinged with a slight color which made her appear most lovely. Her belly was the smoothest and whitest I had ever seen. Her magnificently molded thighs were stretched widely apart, and at the lower part of her belly was her glorio

finger of my other hand I penetrated into the coral passage and began to move it rapidly in and out, while with my

ed, "it is too delightful

I could feel her vagina beginning to contract

ling, dear Herber

my fingers endowed with the love potion I had distilled from her. At the momen

recover her breath. "I really thought it was-" she seemed

was Herbert Clar

l blushed, but

I continued, "but do not be alarmed, dear Amy, for I am wi

sure and ran her hands rapidly over my charms. She first of all kissed and molded my bubbies, sucking the very nipples-from this she descended to my belly, smoothing it down with her soft hand-at last she attacked me in the very center of pleasure, running her fingers on the hair surmounting my Mo

med, "you are killin

d shall I not be equally kind to you? But stay, darling," she cont

running through her trunk took from it an India-ru

d now I am going to give you a taste of it. Place yourself o

e indicated, by which means my but

tty object is your bijou between your swelling thighs, how closely the plump lips come together and how

secret recesses of my covered way of love, rendering me almost crazy with the delicious titillation. She was one of the most lascivious girls I ever met with, and evidently enjoyed one of her own sex almost

omething more substa

, as if for the purpose of prolonging my exquisite feelings. Soon, however, she saw by the motion of my buttocks that I was on the eve of discharging, and placing her hand scientifically betwe

est Amy," I gasped

asure I poured down a flood of love's tide

ad afforded me, and I may say, I succeeded. At last we were unable to do anything more and fell asleep in each other's arms. We were awakened by a tap at the

it. God forbid that two such beautiful girls should be rivals. I love you both and I believe I can satisfy you both. My wife, tomorrow, goes to Philadelphia to spend a few days-there

gardless of the exposure of my person, and throwin

say, Amy, do

the sight of our naked charms evidently affected him, and I thought he would there and then give us proof of his prowess, but he controlled hi

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