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The Key to Yesterday

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2603    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

door that penetrated its thick wall was locked from the outside. It seemed incredible that under such stimulus his memory should remain tor

Ingles," where he learned that Se?or Saxon had gone out. H

terest. Partridge was dispatched to the hotel to bring the traveler to the legation. Partridge came back within the hour, greatly perturbed. Having found that Saxon had not returned during the night, and knowing the customs of the country, he had spent a half-hour i

versive of all Puerto Frio traditions. In Puerto Frio, haste

listened to his subordinate

hat of making the protecting pinions of the spread eagle stretch w

inister now passed hastily between files of presented arms. Inside, he learned that his excellency, el Presidente, had not yet f

y stages; had passed over the heads of departments and holders of portfolios, to issue his ultimatum to the chief executive. Yet, in approaching his subject, he matched the other's suavity

g your excellency's uniform, seized an American citizen o

was shocked an

ed with deep distress; t

or such affronts, and that the United States war department would be very petulant when notification of the incident reached it. Mr. Pendleton furthe

ionality, I have received no details. Certainly, no American citizen has been seized with my consent. The affair appears grave, and shall be inves

that he was not a guest at my legation, and for the time a member of my family, w

as set in motion. Of a surety, some one had blund

ushered at last into Saxon's room. It was a very much puzzled and interested gentleman

as he told it, the older man listened without a question or interruption, standi

. Our government does not, however, undertake to chaperon fil

s seemed to satisfy the questioner. When he came to

, I have no knowledge that would be evidence. I kn

ton raised

ve his innocence. I'm afraid I can't help him. According to their own admissions, t

to his feet

anded. "Of course, I had nothing to do with this a

voy la

and you have painted landscapes ever since. I presume, if it be

nate in the same counsel that Steele had given. He would be advised to all

, then came back and halted before the co

t case." He paused, then added with irrelevance: "It may be that you bear a somewhat striking

mprobable," a

was only reflecting on the fallibility of circumstantial evidence. I am a lawyer, and once, as district

is face was white, and he had seized the envoy by the

ing?" he shouted. "I am not t

se the incident of the firing-squad occurred five y

weak, and the blood cascaded through the arteries of his temples. Then, he turn

nce as to how you have put in the past five years. And," he smilingly summarized, "since the case comes before this court solely on your self-

at of the liberated prisoner, walked out

ing run," he amiably inqui

o catch the next boat that's headed north. Why," he explained, "there is soon g

yes took on a to

the matter with the autumn in

morning sun was already beginning to beat down

ome of the more complete maps, walk around for me and look at the Davis building. You won't see much-only a hideous t

nd with some secrecy he sought the cable office, and wrote a message to Duska. Its composition c

Slept in jail. Out

the length with his penci

lar a word, sir

oon, and he did not know that her sister ship, the Amazon, with Duska on board, was at

nchor chains that afternoon, Saxon was

ildly shouting, "Give my regards to Broadway!" The minister's flag, which had floated over the steamer while the great per

t his elbow, and, turning, was profoundly astonished

nner. "It's true that I stand before you, 'my sweet young face still haggard with the anguish it has worn

nothing. The minister came and

ugh they were afraid I had the yellow-fever. 'Wide they flung the massive portals'-all that sort of thing. Now, what puzzles me is, why did they do it? They had the goods on me-almost. However, I'm entirely pleased." Rodman laughed as he lighted a

ieve it, but that was a case of mistaken identity. I'm n

s astonished lips, and caught wil

anded, at last

looked like me,"

mazed into silence. At last, he said: "Well, you have got t

tist l

aid. "After all, that doesn't make much diff

on returned. He held up his ha

ikes to change his linen-why not his persona

glance at the satirical features showed that it would be impossible for this unimaginative adventurer to construe premises to a seemingly impossible conclusion. He was the materialist, and dealt in palpable appearances. After all, what did it matter? He had made his effo

do you go?"

n shrugged h

uerto Frio-afte

f?" Saxon repeated

ice. "Take a good look at yon fair city," he laughed, "for, before y

els he is playing a large game, whether it be a game of construction or destruct

ked back at the adobe wall

ry good to me," he said,

too much of his own plan

city?" he suddenly demanded. "That's San Fra

hot blue overhead, and saw only a sleeping tropical backgro

that are just now disused guns. By day after to-morrow, or, at the latest, one day more, each of those specks will be a crater, and the

gazing with

y-because, as you know, shipboard is neutral ground for political offenders-and t

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