The Flight of the Silver Ship: Around the World Aboard a Giant Dirgible
Author: Hugh McAlister Genre: LiteratureThe Flight of the Silver Ship: Around the World Aboard a Giant Dirgible
young captain under discussion with th
looks goot
a hotel, and escorte
the ship's uniform. They were both very tall men, well over six feet, the muscles of the younger man making up for the middle-age weight of the older. The Germans regarded them with interest and respect. Certainly
und him in his room struggling with a tie, while at the same tim
a starter, and from then on not a minute that isn't taken up. It's a little better for you,
to see Friedrichshafen my own way. Isn't it beautiful? And it was here that C
uggle with the problem of the rigid dirigible, but Count Zeppelin went far ahead of him. Come in!" he added in a ro
cie; we only have fifteen min
ng to tear them open. "You were right; they are from the wives. And oh, such hi
his coat, smacked down his thick white hair, and they d
lcie studied their heavy, intelligent faces. Across the weatherbeaten cheeks of a number of the older men ran jagged scars. Newer, livid seams puckered the faces o
and Germans, and want everybo
e utterances of those clear, keen, lucid minds were well worth listening to, especially as he spoke German fluently. Dulcie, also easily conversant with the language, w
of people had come from Berlin and elsewhere to see the great American dirigible, her officers, her crew and her passengers. Every hot
the latest improvements on the German dirigibles. New materials for frame const
his time and energy; a wonderful old man, who defied age and went gallantly on, working
erwise the room was bare and severe, the room of a man whose whole heart was so entirely in his great work that he found no space for non-essentials.
e airport in a great banqueting hall, they li
r miles of clean and charming streets. The business part of the town was lavishly decorated with flags and bunting in their
their patches of lawn and tiny vegetable plots that were as lovely as rose gardens, so
blue," Dulcie told herself.
aulein had come in the beautiful airship, for there were pleasant greetings for her wherever she went. A cheery "Guten Morgen, Fraulei
ions of forty years ago, to demure brides with soft eyes and pleasant voices that almost made the German gutturals pleasing. Dulcie had a good time, and when she took leave of her cordial hostesses was presented with a souvenir. S
landing field, where the Moonbeam was being looked over, i
Inside, the metal was fused! She had been struck by lightning during the storm. The injury was soon repaired. Oil a
rritory, where there was no aid to be had in case of accident. With Red, he himself
number of officers, they went to the opera, where boxes were reserved for them. David stood in the back of the commander's box, admiring D
way, and they were escorted to a supper, after which they drove back to Friedri
and a loud chorus of German songs. The crew of the Moonbeam had gone to the landing field, where they were eating much food a
did you put
feet," said
arnish the
n order. We could start in
om we know, with a million or so more, want to meet us at the
?" said David. "To a shy little country bo
eeling in my tracks. By the way
ce yesterday. I will go say good-bye before I leave
ak," agreed
retty low over it. He is enough
commander. "They just let me loo
days before he knows anyone. Poor old Fraine! I certainly hope the next
t have occurred wherever Fraine had happened to be. And as far as you go, David, well, boy, I am
off on some jaunt of their own. I clean forgot to tell them that we are going out in a
eyard some distance from the city, but the others succeeded in persuading him to postpone indefi
and the water was scarcely broken by a ripple. The launch shot through the water at furious spee
so, thanks. I am ra
l laugh
st suffer, six thousand feet
nd, laughing at himself. "There is
and were able to see the beau
me want to be a poet,
g it!" said Docto
wrote a line of
de of you. If it wasn't for me, Martin, you would just be anot
e ought to be excuse enough for anyone. Even you
Sims re
day, nice boat, nice scenery, much obliged
. "Sims," he said, "you are a
go!" said D
eems to me that you each s
y dear," said
aid Doct
, accompanied by their host of the afternoon, were driven at once to the hospital, where Mr. Hammond gave
nine before the company rose. Dulcie
ie, glancing about. "Did y
is much less than in the day
all over them," sighed Dulcie.
ttle weight more or less?" demanded
t not so thick. Only Wally looks small." She giggled wickedly. "Really, doesn't he look funny? The way he scowls, and st
about a scant average. The rest of us are all so big. Why, when
Dulcie. "Here's our car; let's go out to
the car, with a s
s in Tokio. Here, of course, they feel a great interest on account of the Gra
We mustn't crow. We are thre
so many cares. I have shipped home all the lovely presents p
" aske
avid, I have two love birds, four German
d David. "Why, that's
groaning. "One of those aviators gave it to
people looked around at der grosse Ame
menagerie? The air will be just full of love bir
oven foot," she said.
ouple of love birds, and some canaries, and a kitten, and you-
ybe my best love-bird! But now," she added, all too briskly, "we'll soon be back on the Moonbeam. I've a