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The First Capture; or, Hauling Down the Flag of England


Word Count: 2455    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

they were out of hearing of the sto

rdly knew what he said. "We have got to be awful careful about this thing or it will get out on

d the next thing will be for that vessel to trip her anchor and go farther off down the

more here than I want. But to think that we have

ave to fight the man who lives next to him," said Caleb

may know just what we have to expect. I wish Zeke would happen a

d Caleb's mother engaged in knitting with her Bible open on her knee before her. The boys looked for success in the size of their crowd to enable them to overcome the schooner's crew, while Mrs. Young, like Enoch's mother, looked for i

retta?" said Mrs. Young, greeting him with a smile. "I hope you have g

chias is all right now, that is, there is not any mournin

the satisfying knowledge that we

e is a penalty for pi

ure every provincial in town before they can begin hanging u

with the endeavor to pat Enoch on the head. "If you

, giving Enoch a mysterious wink as he did so. Enoch had no trouble at all in interpreting that wink. By it Caleb said that when he was face to face with the schooner's crew he would get at least one shot, if he d

giving utterance to the thought that had been uppermost in h

work everybody will be captain. We all want the schoo

but various little jobs around the house until the sun rose the next morning. Enoch did carpenter work, fitting some chinking into the walls where the winter'

is ax raised in the air and glanced toward the place where the Margaretta was lying at her anchorage. "Because we have always been

d he wanted to get rid of him, and then his mother called him to supper. He looked up and saw that it was getting dark.

he buttery and go over to Mrs. Crosby's, and ask her if she can spare me some yeast for to-ni

il they got a good ready to start; but to Caleb, his mother's command had to be obeyed right away. He struck up a whistle when he went out, one of those old-fashioned songs that boys do not know in our day, telling himself in the meantime that it was about as dark a

I had heard it, you would not have seen me here. The fun will begin to-morrow when we follow

I guess it is all right," said Enoch. "

A man suddenly appeared before him and barred his way. Caleb stopped and waited for him to make known his object, but seeing that

hot through Caleb's mind on the instant that he must be

e Caleb Young lives

aleb, once more making an effort to leave the man b

o see," was the reply. "Come on, boys. Kee

hat he was in the hands of the Tories. It was too dark to see whether or not the men were armed, but

king off a pace or two. "

the vessel," said the man who stood in front of hi

him was to go to work. As quick as thought he ducked his head, not forgetting to throw his bucket loaded with yeast full into the face of the officer, for such Caleb took him to be, and dodging the grasp the man made at him he ran furiou

leb, with all the

k!" exclaimed the offi

arcely more to jerk him to his feet and start him down the road toward the harbor. Caleb went because he could not help himself. Two Tories followed close behind him. Each one had hold of his collar, which was drawn so tight that he could not utter a sound. A boat that was drawn up on the beach

to pay you for throwing that stuff at me," said he, with so

eplied the prisoner, striving to get his thr

d the officer, kicking Caleb

"I hope it will raise you up so that it

The officer was astonished and gave him three or four kicks in the ribs to show that he did not admire such talk; but

"Give-away strong and let us get r

Captain Moore and the other officers waiting for them. A lantern held o

n which he was accustomed to greet the villagers who came there to see him. He did not live in

er, touching his hat. "And the rebel threw

when we get him to New York," sai

d the other at the feet, trying to take him by the clothes but not being particular if they caught up flesh with them, and raised him over their heads, from

r prisoners this way,

nswer. "The next time you do anything to

tain-" be

know what you have done and so do you. If you ta

o the conclusion that it was something to add to h

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