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The Tale of Genji

Chapter 11 The Orange Blossoms

Word Count: 917    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

y. Yet there were affairs from which he could not withdraw. Among the old emperor’s ladies had been one Reikeiden. She had no children, and after his death her life was sa

be.This was the answer:“It seems to be a cuckoo we knew long ago.But alas, under rainy skies we cannot be sure.”Koremitsu saw that the bewilderment was only pretended.” Very well. The wrong trees, the wrong fence.” And he went out.And so the women were left to nurse their regrets. It would not have been proper to pursue the matter, and that was the end of it. Among women of their station in life, he thought first of the Gosechi dancer, a charming girl, daughter of the assistant viceroy of Kyushu. He went on thinking about whatever woman he encountered. A perverse concomitant was that the women he went on thinking about went on thinking about him.The house of the lady he had set out to visit was, as he had expected, lonely and quiet. He first went to Reikeiden’s apartments and they talked far into the night. The tall trees in the garden were a dark wall in the light of the quarter moon. The scent of orange blossoms drifted in, to call back the past. Though no longer young, Reikeiden was a sensitive, accomplished lady. The old emperor had not, it is true, included her among his particular favorites, but he had found her gentle and sympathetic. Memory following memory, Genji was in tears. There came the call of a cuckoo — might it have been the same one? A pleasant thought, that it had come following him. “How did it know?” he whispered to himself.“It catches the scent of memory, and favorsThe village where the ora

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1 Chapter 1 The Paulownia Court2 Chapter 2 The Broom Tree3 Chapter 3 The Shell of the Locust4 Chapter 5 Lavender5 Chapter 6 The Safflower6 Chapter 7 An Autumn Exersion7 Chapter 8 The Festival of the Cherry Blossoms8 Chapter 9 Heartvine9 Chapter 10 The Sacred Tree10 Chapter 11 The Orange Blossoms11 Chapter 12 Suma12 Chapter 13 Akashi13 Chapter 14 Channel Buoys14 Chapter 15 The Wormwood Patch15 Chapter 16 The Gatehouse16 Chapter 17 a Picture Contest17 Chapter 18 The Wind in the Pines18 Chapter 19 a Rack of Cloud19 Chapter 20 The Morning Glory20 Chapter 21 The Maiden21 Chapter 22 The Jeweled Chaplet22 Chapter 23 The First Warbler23 Chapter 24 Butterflies24 Chapter 25 Fireflies25 Chapter 26 Wild Carnations26 Chapter 27 Flares27 Chapter 28 The Typhoon28 Chapter 29 The Royal Outing29 Chapter 30 Purple Trousers30 Chapter 31 The Cypress Pillar31 Chapter 32 a Branch of Plum32 Chapter 33 Wisteria Leaves33 Chapter 34 New Herbs34 Chapter 35 New Herbs35 Chapter 36 The Oak Tree36 Chapter 37 The Flute37 Chapter 38 The Bell Cricket38 Chapter 39 Evening Mist39 Chapter 40 The Rites40 Chapter 41 The Wizard41 Chapter 42 His Perfumed Highness42 Chapter 43 The Rose Plum43 Chapter 44 Bamboo River44 Chapter 45 The Lady at the Bridge45 Chapter 46 Beneath the Oak46 Chapter 47 Trefoil Knots47 Chapter 48 Early Ferns48 Chapter 49 The Ivy49 Chapter 50 The Eastern Cottage50 Chapter 51 a Boat upon the Waters51 Chapter 52 The Drake Fly52 Chapter 53 The Writing Practice53 Chapter 54 The Floating Bridge of Dreams