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The Camp Fire Girls in the Outside World


Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ng. On a table near-by were teacups and saucers, with one plate of

hen walked across the room to take the kettle off th

ort, such as some persons are able to give to a tent in a desert. And standing in a row at the back of the same tea table were three candles in ten-cent-store glass candlesticks, w

c. Several times she sang over the scales. And then, dissatisfied with her own work, repeated them until finally her voice ros



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tly nor even noticed the figure tha

were clasped eagerly together

ived at just this moment! Why, your little room makes me feel that it is a real refuge from all that is dark and bare and cold

and on each of Esther's cheeks,

tood each other especially well. Esther always seemed to Polly far too sober and almost too unselfish and self-effacing, while Polly to the quieter girl had all the brilliance and unreliability of a will-o'-the-wisp. Before coming to New York for the wint

oolen dress, which made a bright spot of color in the shabby room. Polly, you must remember, was only pretty on occasions; but this

aking her seat, while Esther poured out the boiling water. "It is a kind of a homesick day and I have been wishing that we were goi

ched as she lighte

ng I possess,"

ied to hide her own nervousness in putting this simple question. With her eyes shining over the ed

that father does not feel he can afford to let me come. I haven't yet had the courage to write and break the news to the Princess. She is fond of me, don't you think so, Polly? She will be sorry

nnatural. Why should one girl care so much about the attitude of another one? She loved Betty herself, of c

lly, I do think you would let her almost trample upon you if she liked. Only Betty never would like to hurt any one,

d then red again. But fortunately the three Camp Fire candles, "Work, Health and Love," w

pointed. "I am so sorry, for Betty's sake," she returned. "She woul

n shoulders in a fashi

u would be glad to have me in town if you were to be here-particula

puzzled as to just why a girl in Polly's position should elect to spend her Christmas vacati

asked again, too honest to pretend that pleasure was her first sen

. Instead she had rested both elbows on the table and was looking at her companion with

y. "For you see it is to explain why I want to stay with you that made

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