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The Boy Scout Fire Fighters; Or Jack Danby's Bravest Deed


Word Count: 2533    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

unfortunate party on board, since beyond the shelter of the cove the lake was like a stormy sea, with white-capped waves defying swim

ything but gasolene that supplied fuel for the flames over the after portion of the boat, where the tank had been. Up in the bow, huddled together, and shrieking for help, were two men and two women. They s

of the situation, as he always seemed to do, held his head well out of th

ey don't get troublesome, we'll probably be able to keep them up until help comes. You know how to choke them if they tr

even worse. The flames were almost touching them as Jack and the others got within a boat length of the burning boat, and Jack cupped his h

ggle, and we'll be able to hold you up all r

ut as soon as she was in it, and Pete Stubbs, who was nearest to her, swam to her at once, and supported her in the water. She was plucky, an

ete, and then come back here. We need all the hel

re left them no choice after a moment more.

to let each one of them put a hand on his shoulder, so that they could keep their own heads out of water. He couldn't swim with them, but he could, at least, keep

ed, and, as soon as she felt Jack's arm about her, after she had struck the water, she fastened both her arms about him convulsively, and began dragging him

ve me alone and just put your hand on my shoulde

th going, and knew, that in order to save either of them, he must be brutal. So, without a moment's hesitation he seiz

ip about Jack's arms and shoulders, so that he was free. She continued to struggle like a madwoman, however, and, since

th the woman he had saved, limp and helpless no

elp, Jack?"

and help Tom and the two he's got, Pete. You

r she had jumped into the water, but it was not much of a task to revive her, and when she had regained her senses she, like the others, was grateful. Jack him

who had let Pete Stubbs tow her ashore without making a single movement to hamper him in any way

ire out, and the blackened hull of the launch, which had d

rth saving yet. The engine may be all right, with a little repair work, and I thi

imbed aboard, cautiously, to see what damage had been done. The boat smelled most unpleasantly of the fire, and he found that the engine would need a good deal of attention before it would be of

" he exclaime

e had satisfied himself, he dropped overboard again, after making a rope he had carried with him from the shore fast to the launch, a

ld then Jack drew

bsolutely certain! I stayed on board long enough to make sure. Do you suppose these people can be mixed up with that scoundrel? It's the same boat-and if you'l

ned as he realized

of Dick Crawford right away and tell him about this. There's something might

tell him to get Dick Crawford. They'll have to stay around here until their clothe

ouse the suspicions of the shivering castaways, who, muffled in blankets that were kept

but not very hard, but if the clothes of those from the burned boat were to be dried that night

king because they thought it made them look like men. Indeed, one of them, as soon as the fire was made, and he had seated himself as clo

was sweet of face, and had been trying to show how grateful she was ever since she had been brought ashore. She looked sadly out of place when compared to her companions, and Jack wondered mightily how she came to be with them. He couldn't say anything about it, however, and he and Pete busied themselves with trying to make those they had rescued comfortable. After all,

tself was damp and too wet to burn with the bright heat that was needed to dry the clothes of the victims of the fire, found that his red-

gone off without the

and they look like red Indians. I'm sure our clothes are taking long enough to dry

, then. "I think we ought to be very grateful, Mrs. Broom, instead o

r, he was seized suddenly from behind, and a cloth was thrown over his head, so that he could not cry out. He heard th

s carrying his head stumbled suddenly, and, cursing, went down in a heap. The one behind, who had Jack's feet

eady to rescue him, and had seized the exact moment to do it. Now Pete, with a cry of exultation, snatche

d. "They were carrying them in a bun

wo men, who, without a stitch of clothing, would certainly not dare to pursue them very far, for fear of being seen in that state of nature, as well as for the

o women, their clothes dry by this time, had taken possession of the hut to m

tack those fellows made on Jack shows that they are pretty

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