Sweethearts at Home
e year when I was el
. He says that it is just a lot of rough mountains, with bits of w
Low Park, between the Weir and Jackson's Pool. It is a pebbly bar with a kind of green tufty island. From one side of
f the nicest places in the world. The water makes a soft tinkling over the ford. The grasses
bout this time of the year. The river is pretty dry, and there is a great deal of pebbly b
ater, with all sorts of lovely harbors and pleasure-lakes. Once the boys and I made a
ld be nothing said to us. Fathers are fearful nice and useful-sometimes. Ours particularly when he helps us to play, and forgets he isn't a boy. Oh,
. The best are of Maid Margaret and Sir Toady. For I was too old, I suppose, to look nice stuck among trees, and Hugh John hated so being photographed. When told to, he s
es to the funny ones. The grand exhibitions are for winter nights. Then we are well wrapped up in gray Harris cloaks and come up, closely marshaled by Somebody to see that we don't snowball too much. They are quite lovely, these nights, with the sn
oats with big white buttons then, and marched regularly like soldiers. Hugh John beat us on the legs if we did not. He had a sw
rals-except Boss, our fox-terrier, who was named Inspector-General of Communications, because he ran from side to side of the road sniffing, and nothing or nobody could stop him. So, as Boss did not join the mutiny-not
"hemmed," the harder he laid into them till Bobby said he would tell his father, which he did. But Mr. Coates was a sensible man, and only said that he was all the better for a "hiding,
sn't the same, and ended in a fight. You see, the boys especially had learned a good deal between them, and though it made no difference to Hugh John, the others kept sq
e masters were "Old Buster," "Plummy
spectus was Gospel Truth. Yes, and ever so much more. And it was "The Doctor," and "Mr. Traynor, the Head
g arm-in-arm with a young man. Of course, though we thought it very silly, we never told the Grown-ups. We knew by instinct that we
ve a place where she could have stayed for ever at good wages (ever so much better than ou
ll in order, with dates at the sides and notes at the bottom of each page. But being only a little girl, it has got to be written just