Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
sea our g
ng prows in
wind and a b
nt arma
ilt out of a
nd rough as
ll over the
hout, with bla
at and suppl
playful bi
d ship was
re to the o
pbore a st
pales in s
flakes of the
g drooped th
fold of the
r noontide
t cold which
ce the reg
dawned, oh,
sail and pl
night-wind bl
one day's v
ether on th
peace on a p
loosed to th
e sure by the
eep as calm
oyagers f
d along, eac
round its
oft light and cu
t and perfume
led round, and th
e started bes
ch ship was
n land appe
g betwixt se
cried our
restrain th
ing sea was
night and
ugh but a roc
the cedar
e awning flap
bright was
d, every
ight into the
and p?an
shapes of
uilt its shr
f rock for
ill in the w
gether on
ause our ta
t shouts and
r all the di
ft with hap
tle is
e just at han
ts faint in e
gates are o
es thick shade
jestic forms
awoke with
dream, and k
he rock, h
ived our preci
alled ou
ce given mus
done; we h
ur work"