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Rafael in Italy / A Geographical Reader


Word Count: 1031    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

York, Flor

er 10

or Rafa

or a few moments and read a letter fro

e sat by the right-hand window in the train, as you told us to do; but I looked often across the way to see what could take place o

; and also cypress trees, which you did not mention, but which we were glad to see. Then there were big fields of wat

ht. I have never seen such a performance in our stadium at Ha

and the play ended at "the twenty-three hours" with a gunpo

I don't know any good reason for doing so; and then

"golden grain," and there was never a foot of ground anywhere, whether the grain was standing or had falle

ines hung in festoons from long rows of mulberry trees. The trees were planted in rows that crossed one anot

rom tree to tree-that we could not take our eyes from the lovely sight; and we have p

bile and all our luggage had been examined. The officers seemed to fear that we w

uite wet, and wished to enter in order to find shelter, and that we were truly a foreign lady a

have a Florentine mosaic to take t

d's Tower, with the sky a rosy-pink, the River Arno taking its slow course through the

o. Perhaps, if Michael Angelo could have known, four hundred years ago, that I was going to have o

where everyone may see and admire them often! In America we crowd them all together

lower-girls everywhere, and little Bianca, with the tanned face and the big black eyes, who c

in from the surrounding hillsides with loads of peaches, figs, grapes, pum

ave been made in their little villages up among the mountains, and

the straw and making hats. You shall see the one wh

g to leave the music of the churches, the pictures, the sculptures, the p

ilitary music. And perhaps I shall never again sleep in a room with barred windows overlooking the blue waters of an Italia

longer, and it is our great wish that you join

e shall not get lost again because of being unable to speak


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