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Peeps at Many Lands-India


Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

oot-hills of the Himalayas. The Punjab (the Land of Five Rivers), where the Indus and its tributaries roll their waters to the Arabi

lnerable point of Northern India, and fought out on the plains of the


cs and heroes, fought the Moslems for hundreds of years, and the prize was the rule of the Punjab. The Si

. They did not yield up the Punjab to British rule without a stern struggle. They were noble foes, and they proved noble friends. They accepted the British Raj onc

er to shave or to cut the hair. He holds tobacco in abhorrence, and worships his Bible, which is called the Granth. In every Sikh temple sits

city a throng of stalwart, bearded Sikh pilgrims sets always towards the Golden Temple. You follow in their train, and come suddenly upon a wide open space. It is bordered by a marble pavement, and within th

m you, and silken slippers tied on in their place. If you have tobacco in your pockets that, too, must be handed over, and left till you retu

worship. Here and there are flower-sellers weaving long chains of roses and yellow jasmine to sell to worshippers who wish to make offerings. A teacher with a little band of students

with doors of silver, and four open doors of chased silver give access to the sanctuary itself. Here sits the high-priest

this ancient fortress still show traces of their former splendour. There are sheets of striking tilework, with panels of elephants, horsemen, and warriors worked in yellow upon a blue ground. There are marble walls inlaid most beautifully with flowers formed of precious ston

odwork, carved into the most beautiful or fantastic designs, according to the fancy of the owner who built and designed it long ago. The balconies are of all sizes and shapes, and their line is delightfully irregular. The walls, too, are painted and decorated lavishly, and dom

fine tomb where lies Runjit Singh, the greatest of the Sikh rulers. Under him the Sikhs rose to the

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