My First Mission
Doctrines, and Abuses Our Friends-His Remarks, However, Are Ov
rip. From that time, however, I stayed but little there. Much as I liked the society of the Elders, I could not be content there, for I felt that I ought to
in a few weeks, Brother James Keeler was left alone with no one to converse with in English, unless he occasionally met a white man. This gave him a better opportunity of acquiring the language than
e among his congregation, and one Sunday he came out in public and delivered a most abusive discourse against the Prophet Joseph
le he had told them a pack of falsehoods. But this I thought would produce confusion, and result in no good. When the services were over, I walked around to the pulpit where he stood. He knew how short a time we h
he people that morning, that he might remove the effect of the lies which he had repeat
different to what he had said; he thought he had but done his duty, and if the peopl
said that I would stand as a witness against him at the judgment seat of God, for having t
alf an hour, and while we conversed many of the congreg
listened to and understood this conversation was a brother-in-law of Napela's, a half-white and a circuit judge, and a leading man on that island. He gave a report of the conversation which was very favor
tives, and I had their sympathy, though they
n at whose house I stopped, and denounced him. This, of course, was distasteful to Napela's relatives and friends, many of whom were p
one of the revelati
s formed against you shall prosper; and if any man shall lift hi
very word of t
atened with removal from his judgeship and with being cut off from the
ught it would be wiser for me to withdraw from Wailuku for awhile. I felt for Napela, for he had a heavy
, though just before I went there, a brisk trade in Irish potatoes, which grew spontaneously in that region, had been carried on; the people hauling them in carts, from there to a small port not far distant. These potatoes w
e had given me a letter of introduction when he found that I had determined to go there. He received me very k