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Molly Brown's Freshman Days


Word Count: 2427    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

in but her voice came back to her in a ghostly echo through the dim ais

friends and they locked doors at six o'clock. The chill of the evening had fallen and the stars were beginning to show themselves in the sq

oisters?" she thought after the first

ow almost black. There were doors at intervals but all of

rs with an agonized expression. Suddenly, the high mullioned window under which she was stand

re? I thought

he sobs that would rise in her throat.

med the voice again. "Wait a

t was thrust back and a door held open while Molly rushed

ght in the dark corridor. "Of course the night watchman would have made his rounds at eight, but an hour's

. On the desk was a tray of supper. The owner of the study was a studious looking young man with kindly, quizzical brown eye

said looking at her with a sh

an hour or so ago. I-I didn't know they would lock--" She broke down altogether and sl

first day at college, but you'll come to like it better and better all the time. Come,


warm you up," he added kindly, taking a cup of hot bouil

r supper," st

you," he ordered. "I'm a professor, you kno

id comfort her considerably and presently

ou see I felt so far away and lonesome and it's an awful feeling to be loc

e walked there if the Cloisters had been several hundreds of years older, and I would certainly have made the echoes ring with my calls for help. The Cloisters are a

ising and looking about her with int

is was my play room,"

y ro

rk and begin to play." He glanced

observed Molly, regarding the papers with much

nt that was, you would not make such

who had entirely regained her composure now, and felt not the least bit afra

t is, will you promis

," she cri

ght opera," he said solemn

it?" she aske

nly secret," he said. "You must never give me away, or the bottom wou

imed Molly; "and thank you ever so

fessor opened the door for her

in the dim light she still noticed that quizzical look in his eyes, which made

r way to Queen's

m. "It's the last house o

the deserted Quadrangle walk. Under the archwa

arrived during the afternoon and the table was full. There were several freshmen; Molly identified them by

ance Oldham, who had saved a seat

nd every eye in the room w

cked up," she a

ted several voices

realize it was six o'clock,

she felt very grateful when, instead of hoots of derision, a nice junior

a medi?val adventure for your first

ssors heard me ca

manded several

ed Molly guardedly, rememberin

Frances Andrews, who had been un

and reddish hair, and he was middle a

to say it was Epimén


iterature, and I'll tell you for your enlightenment that he was nicknamed in a song 'Epiménides' after a Greek philosopher, who went to sleep

der person," said

Andrews. "At least, so they say, and he's so

Sally. "Haven't you heard of them-'Phi

in Green's outbursts into literature, but she indulged in an inwar

d studied in France. He's a perfect

'Squib,'" Molly heard anothe

down by learning immediately everything there was to know about Wellington, and b

l right. She was a motherly little woman, with a gentl

have plenty of sunshine and a good deal more space when you get your trunks unpa

had nicknamed herself when she packed it "Molly Few Clothes," and she was beginnin

ally come, Miss Oldham?

supper. I've start

ten biscuits and pickles and blackberry jam in mine, and I can hardly wa

m opened he

people were pretty strong on food

t be so scornful," answered Molly, somehow not liking

en?" demanded Frances Andrews, who apparently

me up and try it to-nigh

but I can't to-night, thank

r sophomores and juniors at the table were all

ded lamely, wondering if they we

Sally Marks, rising from the

s to their room a little later, they

y. "I was waiting for you to pass.

able about the apartment, except perhaps the sign on the door which read "Pax Vobis

tucky, isn't that so?" asked Sally Marks, taking M

inquisitive Sally, turn

I come from Vermont,"

u are in Queens. You won't think I'm patroni

said the

untry that has such a fine showing for class and brains. But among three hundred there are b

n we tell?"

who was good-looking, clever, rich, with lots of pretty clothes, an

ething the matter with her, unles

he wasn't?" pe

rely be something the

ld meet a girl like that in colleg

heir own room, just to see h

wearily into bed, after finishing th

y Miss Oldham-"do you suppose that nice

doubt of it

olly. "I'm sorry for anybody who's walking under a cloud,

o her any harm

The name seemed to stick in her memory like a rhyme. "Funny I didn't notice how young and

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