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Joe Strong, the Boy Fish / or Marvelous Doings in a Big Tank


Word Count: 1721    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d Jim Tracy, as Joe cam

was the reply.

n't be with

r some days to

in this town. When we move on we can drop out that act without its being so noticeable. If necessary I can have that part of ou

go on to-day, of course. The Lasca

e the tank act back on the programme so as to give you a chance to make the change.

another partner

h. If they ask to have Sim Dobley back again I'll tell 'em it can't b

mergency. This angered Sim and he threatened revenge. Though the other two Lascallas-Tonzo and Sid-wanted Sim back, and th

just what I can do. I'll go on with as much of my trapeze work

the ring-master. "Well, what is it?" h

the lion," the man said.

t over. Have some of the animal men attend to the

y water for the elephants. He is

glad it i

against the lad, Jim had

their cages, had gone too near the one containing a dangerous lion. With a quick, cat-like motion of his great

Helen to tell h

m!" she exclaimed. "Is t

answer. "He'll have to stay

rs, but he did his best, and cheerfully, for he felt he owed a de

alone, did an act which has been fully described in the book just previous to this one. It is called the "drop back to instep hang," and Joe did it in such a way

this, headforemost, without the use of his hands. He dropped until it seemed certain that his head

ng work, Joe had to hurry to the dressi

en when he first made his bow to the public in the shimmering, green, scaly su

e made some changes in certain pieces to enable them to be used under water. Joe tried to get some celluloid playing cards, but

a correspondence with the man who had given him such a good start toward becoming a pub

w who at least did not have some sort of an acquaintanc

herly Mrs. Talfo, the fat woman. "Benny sure was a

harmer. "He got me some medicine once, when I had

o appear in public again?" aske

ver is a long while. He'll have to stay in t

liver me from them. They mean all right-those doctors and nurses-b

l of it, if you weren't ill," put in Tonzo Lascalla. "Yes, I, too, am so

pen?" asked th

ten with that big constrictor which you let twine about your wa

e not very cheerful!" ex

ed the trapeze performer, wi

urned to the grounds and dinner was being served.

len, as she passed the "boy fish" (as he had been

wet again," he answered

ng for you," and she la

donned the green suit. Again the ring-master made his announcement abou

ared a few simple but laughable tricks to perform under water. They all worked well

where Benny was a patient. The "human fish" was in gre

to operate on him, even

and hurried back to the tent to ge

ed to be fishing in the big glass box. Joe, who entered into the spirit of the occasion, caught the hook as he was

three and a quarter minutes, Jim Tracy gave orders to have the water emptied

y use for it again or not," said th

ou later," w

the strong man, as the performance came to a close an

will have to stay behind

lay in another town the nex

was left behind. But it had to

resting in the white hospital bed. "Poor boy! I suppose they'l

ch he had written on Benny's pad-the promise

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