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In Kali's Country: Tales from Sunny India

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2354    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

almost worked miracles for me with his medicines. My, but it's good to be back in the harness again! The pull has to be long and steady and sometimes the straps rub or t

all through! Oh, these globe-encircling Americans who try to see the world and its sight as do birds on the wing! W

me a world of good already and before the day is over I will show you some sights which I dare say will do your heart goo

er-meeting; then we'll go to see Shama Bhana; and this evening I'll take you to a street service. It all sounds prosaic, perhaps, b

n back home last year about Shama Bhana,

us to reach Parel where we are going first to see such a school as you never laid eyes on before, half-naked childr

he could not be baptized because his mother threatened to commit suicide on the day he should become a Christian and because on that same

n performed, Shama Bhana appeared at Deal's door and asked for baptism. Of course Deal did not know much about the case, as his wo

story. "Now my mother is dead," he concluded. "I could not come before, for it would have b

your property n

na above what I now carry in my

nt on, needlessly probing deeper into the fresh wounds in

I shall never see them more." Shama Bhana was overcome for a moment, Deal said, and then he went on quietly. "Christ says that whoever will not leave wife and child for His sake is not worthy of Him. I could not bring them with me for you know the way the Hindu oftent

ce and then asked what

at once. I will not starve. Yes, Sahib, there is something you can do f

he fury of his father was unrestrained. Shama Bhana was declared to be dead and his effigy was burned with his mother's body on the funera

remarkably bright man and so without much difficulty, for he procured it the very day of his baptism, he got a fair position as clerk in a big English office in the city. H

my own family in America, you know, and he would look at their picture upon my dresser. "Your wife is a Christian," he would say. "And you will probably see them again in a couple of years. But my wife is a Hindu widow!" Then he would turn at once into his own room and I knew he had gone to his knees in prayer. I would pray

tly! Man, they aren't here yet and what's

in the section where Shama Bhana's family lived. Several of our native church workers had tried in vain to get entrance into his house since the trouble had happened, but now they walked right in and took possession unhindered, for the father himself and every member of the family were down with the disease and the servants had all fled. Shama Bhana's wife, whom they found in a dark chamber in the servants' quarters, had the worst form of the di

een the lightest, as he had been vaccinated once years before in an English hospital, recovered first. As he, in his weakness

s for me?" he asked on

ied, "I have had the disease but my husband never

him. "Where is Shama Bhana?" h

very ill. The night that you were the worst he spent at your sid

t rage would bring back the old man's fever. But he only smiled faintly and to

to him again and asked him to walk with him through the house. So, leaning on the patient preacher's arm, he went from room to room. In every room with his feeble hands he tore down every sign of Hindui

or now I believe as he has taught me and from now on we will stand as

symptom of the dread disease. So the baptismal service was postponed while they worked to save Shama Bhana's life. Two days later the pastor himself came down. But as soon as I lear

ced the Hinduism of Bombay in a small but solid phalanx for Christ. The influence of the conversion of

ca. God's ways are wonderful, aren't they? But the most wonderful thing about it all in my mind is that He always lets us poor, insignificant men help in bringing His ways to pass. Had our simple, faithful Hindust

ms the capacity of our Hindu cousins for an appreciative interpretation of the Oriental Christ and their willingness to share


children gathered around the door of the schoolhouse waiting for us. Aren't they beauties? Hadn't you better take a picture of them to show to

oys! Sala

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