The Cash Boy
r to thepoorhouse?'' asked Tom Pinke
`he is going to make a vis
visit,'' said Tom, discontentedly. ``I should think
ve the town unnecessaryexpe
isfied with hisfather's assurance
of Mr. Pomeroy. Sam and Frankwere intimate friends, and our hero
us all the time, Frank--you and
had it in mypower to offer Frank any employment which itwould be worth his while to follow, i
I want to consu
ce I can, Frank. Isuppose you do
o do here. Imust go somewhere where I
hard row to hoe,
ully. ``Have you de
I shall go t
! To the
et something to do,
ou going to live
ot a littl
won't las
on get work, if it is onlyto
ill stand a fairchance to succeed.
take her
eave her here tillyou have found so
rton willwant to put her in the poorhous
e can stay here with
let me pay
o give her board f
wouldn'tbe right for me to accept your kind
say. When you are able-mind, not till then--you may pay
lling to boardGrace for a while, I thin
ver your clothes
y, ``and see if th
art Thursday morni
ingup the main street, when just in front of Deacon
m?'' he said, and
ou going?'' Tom
Mr. Pom
you going to the
ld you I w
y fat
ur father's
said Tom, insolently. ``
s to earn money, an
ou to resign as captai
out. Doyou think the fellows will be wil
you have called me apaupe
pauper and y
upon Frankvicariously. He was unable to report the case to hisfather till the next morning, as the deacon did notreturn from a neighboring village, whither he hadgone on business, till late, but the result of hiscommunication was a