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Fighting in France


Word Count: 1517    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ed Earl sharply. "Loo

to strike. He ducked almost without thinking and the blow fell harmlessly on the back of one of the chairs

ig-helmeted German with the butt end of

preferred to fight with his fists, and unconsciously he had discarded his rifle. With one hand he se

urned upon the plucky boy and a moment later held him by the throat with both hands. Earl's breath was shut off short and everything began to turn blac

himself free and rose to his feet. There stood Leon gazing down at the German lying on the flo

ife, Leon," he

d to stab him like that but

to fix us I guess," exclai


he d

aven't had a chanc

heir companion he moved sl

ques? Where did he hi

ead," murmured the y

"If he'd ever caught you squarel

e hurt," exclaimed Leon

d Jacques. "He just stunned me;

rom that washstand over there,

d the blood flowed freely, but it was nothing serious. The cold compress so

ght, Jacques

r bet

wn here on this bed

sent in here to rout out the enemy and that's what we m

into rooms like this," advised Leon. "I

y out of the little room down the narrow

oise of the great cannonade above came to their ears but faintly here. A hoarse rumbling and a trembling of the

ead," whispered Jacques

hey came to the spot where the passage led off to the left. Jacques

ning to his two companions.

ades in their right hands and

gainst the wall her

no sounds, they walked gingerly around the corner of the passage and there before their eyes they saw what had caused Jacques to draw

. This plan was unexpectedly thrown awry however. One of the rifles leaned against the wall of the

ection whence the noise came. Seeing three French soldiers steal

Earl ducked quickl

outed Leon and he let

was filled with smoke and the three young soldiers could not see what was taking place in front of t

outed Jacques. "That

evolver sounded from behind the wall of smoke and a bullet winging its way through the hal

d his hand-grenade took the same course that the two others had

wall," warned Leon. "Ha

aited developments. Every boy grasped his revolver firmly in his right hand and peered eagerly in

I guess," whispe

cautioned Leon. "W

e three explosions would never lift and the three boys felt as if hours had elapsed before they could catch

there," excla

ned Leon. "It

r them," said Jacq

y were fearful of a surprise attack but their fears proved to be groundless. On the

inst these grenades, does he?" excla

," said Jacques shortl

ickly cut the buttons from the jacket o

to do with them?" de

ping the buttons into his pocket. "The

o you

proves it," and, as he spoke, Jacques drew fo

a moment later. "Go pick up your hat

Jacques. "It will hav

has the window," said Leon grimly. "I don't

smiled Jacques. "I agre

"We may run into some more

French soldiers alwa

had been left. The young Frenchman rescued his hat which had a hole cut clean

ove on when Earl suddenly held up his hand. "List

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