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Explorers of the Dawn

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1180    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

had known all along that there was a sunrise-a mechanical sort of affair tha

ime visit; but Mrs. Handsomebody, if she ever thought about the Dawn at all, probably looked on it with suspi

seemed frostier than usual. The closely shut windows and drawn blinds made the house a prison, and the glare of the planked back yard was even more intolerable. Therefore, when Rawlins, the

ay, like flags at half-mast, rose, and fluttered in the summer breeze,

ace was buried in a book he had on his knees, an

e, and a wave of the hand toward three low wicker chairs. We were not a bit abashed by this reception, for we knew the Bishop's ways, and it was joy enough that we were s

y, tender grass-such a great guardian Cathedral, that towered above and threw its deep beneficent shade! Here the timorous Cathedral pigeons strutted un

ck yard. Yet even at that moment I could see the tall, narrow house, and fancied that a bl

he Bishop's elbow. We discovered a silver muffin dish, a plate

away without speaking and we three were left alone to stare in mute desire at the tea things. A bee was buz

ely, but firmly. "I woul

And he closed the book sharply on the grass blade, and dr

le way; and, after the honey pot was almost empty, we made the bee a prisoner in it, so that, like

uestion that was to lead to so muc

houlder: "What do you think is the most

the back of his head. "Well," he replied, "since you ask me s

aph fel

said, "but I yik

med the Bishop. "Don't

but it's gwowing. I fink some day it'll be as big as

ishop, rather hastily. "And wh

I got it off a toad we had. He was an a

g, as I did, that the manner of the toad's demise was best left to conjecture. "We

the larkspur, "I should say it is the wing of that pale

g like that," he said. "I meant a 'normous, wonderf

e and I'll whisper." Instantly three heads hedged him i

n the same note of secrecy. "But what is it lik

ve got to seek it out for yourselves. It's a pit

get up in

ere while it's still grey daylight. Have the windows open so that you can he

Seraph, stoutly. "I'm s

lendour of it, for it was designed for just such little fellows as you. You will come and tell

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