Deadwood Dick Jr. Branded; or, Red Rover at Powder Pocket.
Author: Edward L. Wheeler Genre: LiteratureDeadwood Dick Jr. Branded; or, Red Rover at Powder Pocket.
ischief?" cri
n the center of the track, where the train w
our time, I suppose, as he did once before," growled the
nd the engineer reversed his engine, while t
blood, the moment the engine had rounded the bend far e
had been placed between the rails, and on both sides of the track stood masked m
p, by t
eached for the whistle and sounded the second alarm, and,
curve at which to place the obstruction, they saw the train slow up, under the force of the powerful
or take lea
on each side of the engine co
the same moment other members of the band made a das
till, and boarded the cars to take care of the passengers while the leader and those
or was it only a coincidence that they had
ed the
," observed the fireman, as
f speech, taking care to keep his hands well up. "There is n
lers keep yer hands straight up, and you won't come to no harm. We don't want to har
ptain?" inquire
in Joa
, Tom," to the fireman. "We had bet
n warned. "Captain Joaquin is after the funds of the Cas
eville Nat
unds of the bank? Does he think th
hink it; he
hat would the bank's fu
fect at noon to-day, and the capital is on its w
twang and mannerism of this man's speech were forced; it was evide
ody knew it," the
knew of it," assured the
nd fireman giving their attention to
do so, and had already killed one man and wounded another,
re preparing t
holding up the passengers, but wi
was the objective point; they meant to risk no
ers might lose control in one of the cars, and if that happened, and they kept the
and leveled Winchester in hand, and his finger on the trigger, they had a
while events in the vicinity of the
e. About thirty years of age, he had keen, dark eyes, and hair th
is regular features made him rath
y, almost ro
stle he had started up, and h
ands, and he called on the others in the smoker wi
aps, a score of
ed and the masked men with their Winchesters app
y look around to see what the others were doing, raised his ha
ts; all that was required of them was to
e of the man described, as if he wan
to their ears came the sound of an explosion that could be
e robber nearest the rear door dropped in his tracks. Another, and the one in front dropp
pons in his grasp. So lightning quick had he acted that no
not remai
d we will beat them off and cheat them yet. We are ten to
him, with pistol in hand, but for the most part they hung back like cowards. Straight to
m to drop his gun, which, at the touch of the cold tube, the fellow promptly did. The other, however, at
robber he had disarmed, and, in a twinkling, let fly a snap shot from behind that living barricade and placed the fellow at the other e