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Counsel for the Defense


Word Count: 3006    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

fields of ragweed as building lots-Westville was still but half-evolved from its earlier state of an overgrown country town. It was as yet semi-pasto

eving themselves of the tribulation of riches; and adjoining it was Simpson Brothers & Company, wherein hick'ry-sh

d been a slippered, dozing, senile sheet under old Jimmie Bruce, burst suddenly into a volcanic youth. The new editor used huge, vociferous headlines instead of the mere whispering, timorous types of his uncle; he wrote a rousing, rough-and-ready English; occasionally he placed an important editorial, set up in heavy-faced type and enclosed in a black border, in the very centre of his first page; and from the very start he had had the

it had a snap, a go, a tang, that at times almost took the breath. And despite the estimate of its editor

was poised a gracious nymph of cast-iron, so chastely garbed as to bring to the cheek of elderly innocence no faintest flush. On the walk's right side stood a rig

nd gloomy chamber. This room was the office of the prosecuting attorney of Calloway County. That the incumbent might not become too depressed by his environment, the walls were cheer

dressed man whom Bruce remembered to have seen once or twice but whom he did not know. With the first two the editor shook hands, and the t

rusque manner to the

e matter?"

down first," sugge

n upward rolling forelock and an Adam's-apple that throbbed in his throat like a petrified pulse. He was climbing the political ladder, and he wa

manded Bruce shortly.

a theme for a continuous agitation in your paper. You have argued and urged that, since the city's new water-works promised to be such a great success, Westville should not

. "But who's dead? Who wants the line of

rosecutor returned, with increased solemnity. He paused, and having gained that heightened stage

ely impressive. Bruce looked quickly at the other two men.

, "out with what yo

n the Express, they secretly preferred its superior presentment of their doings. "Doctor Sherman, in his capacity of president of the Voters' Union, has just brought before me some most distressing, most astounding evid

, irritated by the verbal excelsior which the prose

, sensitive mouth of the born orator, fervently bright eyes, and the pallor of the devoted stud

r Sherman?" the editor

uce's typewriter. The minister'

," he answered in a voice that trembled with ag

the editor, staring at th


rtain of wh


u have e


nostrils dilated, his eyes gleamin

up in it? W

htly interlocked. For an inst

man?" rep

ister s



ed. "The superintende


ly an actor, at least he acted his part well. "My God!" he breathed, and stood with eyes fixed upon the

ory," he snapped out. "F

closest friends since girlhood. To make my part in this affair clear, I must recall to you that of late the chief attention of the Voters' Union has naturally been devoted to the water-works. I neve

il invested him with so muc

. But a short time ago some matters-I need not detail them-arous

t?" suppl

er incline

n college, though we had lost track of one another till his business brought him here. A few small circumstances-my suspicion was already on the alert-made me guess that Mr. Ma

nterrupted to explain, "that Doctor Sher

roborated thi

d payment had been made to the company. After this confession I hesitated long upon what I should do. On the one hand, I shrank from disgracing Doctor West. On the other, I ha

ly decision," sa

sterday, as you know, the council, on Doctor West's recommendation, formally approved the filtering plant, and yesterday a draft was sent to the company. Mr. Marcy was to call at Doctor West's home this morning to conclude their secret bargain. Just before the appointed hour I dropped in on Doctor West, and was there when Mr. Marcy called. I

it?" Bruce

nto his pocket, and replied, 'Thank you very

breathed t

wo I slipped out by another door. I returned with a policeman, and found Doctor West still with Mr. Marcy.

Kennedy demanded of the editor.

had sat through the recital,

is is a

e way it happened,"

d back at t

ave anything to

. He admits practically every point that Doctor Sherman has made. The only thing he says f

d glowering, and his fist crashe

defenses that ever a man

le," commented the prosecutor. "And I can see the smil

smile!" cried Bruce. "B

since we were boys. His salary as superintendent of the water-works was much less than he has been spending. His property is mortgaged pr

owling and staring fiercely at the worn lin

y, a little slyly. "It sort of puts a spoke in tha

ligerently befor

ecause a man you've banked on is a croo

not," Kennedy

kind of talk then. But what are

raight before it with the evidence. An hour

bout to-mor

u think we

for the man that sold us out? As for the water-works, it looks as if, for all we know, he might have bought us a lot of old junk. Do we want to hold

the prosecutor. "What do y

ister wiped h

orced to play-I'm sorry for Doctor West-and I'm particularly sorry for

t to consult Mr. B

onsult him. We three are a majority of the committee. The m

s watch, glanced at it,

n hour-and if this town doesn't go

newspaper man in him recalled a new

aughter of Doctor

or looked at

me for the celebra

eaving New York this morning and would

e like?" a

seen her?"

k to Westville. When I left here she w

lean face crink

es back East; Vassar, I think it was. She got hold of some of those new-fangled ideas th

of them!" sn

two years ago she asked me what chance a woman would have to p

and laughed at the excruc

s curled with contempt. "Loud-voic

Sherman, "that Miss West does no

ittle wrong about Kather

They're all the same! But what's she

something like Doctor Sherman's-The M

atever she's like, it's a prett

twin flags were being leisurely festooned. Back in his own office he picked up the story he had finished an hour before. With a sneer he tore it acr

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