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Army Boys on the Firing Line; or, Holding Back the German Drive


Word Count: 1625    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

mornings later, as he came up to Bart

ed Frank. "Well, I'll bit


rown P

your k

aid Bart. "

limited intellects one ought to be patient. I'll give you one more

e others exclaim

d get you. Nick seems to be as popular wi

gged it in?"

knew something would happen when I pi

asked Bart, his curiosity

e says, after performing prodigies of valor. To hear Nic

rades l

kill the fatted calf,"

t. "Unless we take Billy here

at him, and just then Fred Anderson

news?" he

eplied Frank. "Billy's jus

avels fast,"

hought much of him myself, but you seem to have it in for him especially. I supp

there, and I don't hold grudges. It's something altogether outside of pe

out later on. But it seems that he has a lot of information about the Ge

st reasons for believing Rabig to be a traitor, he did not want to do the fellow an

few minutes and the boy

id about Nick's 'important



a loyal fellow in his situation might have picked up something that would be of advantag

we know that he let that German prisoner escape? Don't you know that he was talking in the woods at night with that German spy that you shot? I tell you straight, Frank, that if Rabig

'll be the best day this regiment ever saw

of the prisoner. He seemed to be sleeping in his bunk that night I got back from the woods. So far he has an alibi for everything. We can't prove that he let himself be

day I'll break loose and take it out of him myself. My fingers it

ointed, then," grinned Bill

he indicated and saw Rabig co

and he looked immensel

fist cl

know just how you feel. I had to lick him once and maybe you'll have your

aid Bart, "but

on. He hated them all cordially and he had no doubt of the feeling with which they regarded him. Bu

ut stopping but Frank spok

he said. "See y

ugh to see," resp

hine," murmured Bil

fed you pretty we

d and looked at F

of Tom Bradford over

se came into Rab

wered. "Was

id so," ans

Perhaps he's killed," he added, almos

but restrained themselv

sked Bart in disgust, as he lo

s gone?" put in Billy. "The only thing that would give him mor

omfort is that we haven't been able to catch him with the goods. But that will come in time. A little more rope and he c

e may have seen Tom over there, but wouldn

im closely while Frank was talking to him, and I could see that he

d by some other division. Besides, to tell the truth, I don't believe that Rabig was in a prison camp at all. Did y

n growing in my mind right along. We're sure that Tom isn't dead, for the burial parties cleared up the field and didn't find him. We know too that he isn't on the

there?" asked

boches are doing now. They're getting so short of men that they're using prisoners right behind the lines in cutting brush and hauling guns and that sort of thing. Of course it's dead against all the rules of war, but a little thing like that doesn't bother the Germans. Now if that's going on there are lots of chances to escape that the prisoners wouldn

Bart unconvinced, "but

imed in Billy. "We d

d Frank, "but

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