Among the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle
Author: Edward Sylvester Ellis Genre: LiteratureAmong the Esquimaux; or, Adventures under the Arctic Circle
ed around in the darkness and repeated the name of Fred sever
"that beats everything. How that chap got away, a
ression in the ice, where the three laid their weapons before composing thems
s were at a loss what to do, if, indeed, they could do anything. They knew not where
xpression to it; each recoiled with a shudder from doing so. It
ed their eyes, had subsided. When they stood up, so that their heads arose above the projections that had protected them, the
. In fact, the weather was milder than any experien
"though I call something of the kind to mind on that voyage in t
ted to him again and again in his loudest tones, had whistled until th
wer, but with a boom and crash that it would seem threatened to shatter the vast structure into fragments. There were occasio
r they had tired themselves pretty well
Rob, in a choking voice, peering around in the gloom
n, was too thoughtful to add to the grief by any words of his own. "I hope the lad i
ow nothin
nd out what
t the flame from any chance eddy of wind, Rob ignit
ed, Jack; day-break isn't more
will seem the longest that
doubt on that poin
ed out Rob, "the
es; there's lots of the twinklers o
glittering orbs, and, for the moment, Rob forgot his gri
ing another change afo
them articles in this part of the world will beat them in Lon
ened to Fred Warburton, their uneasiness became so great that they could not
, with little hope of its amounting to a
u see
forms quite plainly, and the lad saw that Jack had extended his arm, and wa
iding over the surface of the deep. Now and then it disappeared, but only for a moment
ecide what points of the compass these were. Its motion in rising and sinking, vanishing and
claimed Rob; "Captain McA
in that fashion. Howsumever, it's a craft of some kind, and if we can onl
he two began shouting lustily, varying the cries as fancy
aze upon the star-like point of lig
l the while pushing forward, for several
ob, who postponed a shout that was trembling on hi
as if the boat was coming to a halt. Still the sailor knew that the same effect on their vision would be produced if the ve
ly as if the obscuring clouds had been brushed aside from the face of the st
ting his lost friend in his excitement; "they w
s going straight from us it would seem for a time as though she was comin
ong in coming when all doubt was removed. The star dwindled to a smaller poi
d Rob, when it was no longer possibl
ld have behaved like a Christian, an
s latitude, and it may be a lo
along the Greenland coast. It isn't exactly the place I'd choose for a winte
y can that
nd Greenland, and a number v'yage to the United States, a