American Indians
small, and occupied by few persons. Some are admirably constructed, like the great Pueblo houses of the southwest, made
g House. (Af
was a doorway at each end. Blankets or skins hung at these served as doors. Through the house from doorway to doorway ran a central passage: the space on either side of this was divided by partitions of skins into a series of stalls, each of which was occupied by a family. In the central passage was a series of fireplaces or hearths, each one of
n Albemarle Sound, in 1585. (Af
ere made of a light framework of poles over which were hung sheets of rush matting which could be easily remov
isading, sometimes outside. The houses in these pictures usually have straight, vertical sides and queer rounded roofs. Sometimes they w
ons into sections. On each side, a platform about three feet high and six feet wide runs the full length of the house. Upon this the people sleep, simply spreading out their blankets when they wish to lie down. Each person has his proper place upon the platform, and no one thinks of trespassing upon another. At the back of the platform, against
cs and Foxes, Iowa
out twenty feet long and ten wide. Some are nearly circular and about fifteen feet across. They are hardly six feet high. Over this framework are fastened sheets of matting made of cat-tail rushes. This matting is very light and thin, but a layer or two of it keeps
ward from the ground to a height of about five feet. They were composed of boards. The roof sloped from the top of the wall up to a central point; it was made of poles, covered with willow matting and then with grass. Th
In warm low valleys, large round or oblong houses were made of willow poles covered with hay. At Clear Lake there were box-shaped houses; the walls were built of vertical posts, with poles [pg 012] lashed horizontally across them; these were not always placed close together, but so as to leave many little square holes in the walls; the flat
. (From Ph
a much better chance to hunt buffalo, and began to move about much more than before. They then invented the beautiful tent now so widely used among Plains Indians. The framework consists of thirteen poles from fifteen to eighteen feet long. The smaller ends are tied together and then raised and spread out so as to cover a circle on the ground about ten feet across. Over this framework of poles are spread buffalo skins w
stened by one end to the horse, near his neck-one bunch on either side. The other ends are left to drag upon the ground. The skin covering
p circles were not chance arrangements. Each group of persons who were related had its own proper place in the circle. Even the proper place for each tent was fixed. Every woman knew, as soon as the place for a camp wa
al student of society and institutions. Author of important books, among them, H
uthor of The Indi