Not your divorced!
tightened and he felt dizzy, he was just a line away from hyperventilating, he tried hard to gasp air but his throat felt dry, with his eyes
e hands shaking cause he can't afford letting the world know of his ailment cause he has tried darn hard to keep it a secret from everyone, including his wife and family, only his mom knew and she did a great job from keeping it locked tight between them, she knew it would ruin his chance of having a normal life if people knew cause they would treat him as fragile, whenever he experienced a seizure at school and the school asked, her response was that he was reacting to some medications from a distant continent. He chuckled now at how ridiculous that sounded but it always worked, he seldom experienced much seizures at school cause his anxiety was always in check, sometimes off completely but right now it's going through the roof, he struggled hard to keep the hands from shaking too much. "Oh no" the vibration has begun to spread across h
last thought was about escaping his mind, the chill was at this point graduating to his brain, he c
four long deep breaths, exhaled like that'll be his last. The sound
but all he saw was blurred dark visions of who stood before him, he blinked hard to get a cl
a teary tone. "Kaila!" He managed to
u anymore, why daddy?" Said kaila in betw
ills had weared off alongside the vibrations, his hands still shook bu
t embrace and brought her to face him. "I love you kaila, always, i
and khalid's dad, noth
n affirmation
t it was never an experience to relate with, if he's lost and helpless in this situation, he can only fathom how his kids are processing it, at this point he felt his world shattering as he peered into his daughter's eyes and saw the heavy sadness that sat there. He heaved a heavy sigh of
alid responded with laughter in his tone. Daemon squat to m
replied khalid
hey! We are one un
orused khal
odbye, doesn't she love us a
both in a hurry, she loves you so so much. Here" he hugged both of them in a tight embrace, he really was trying hard to keep his emotions in check, someone t
onse "mom's waiting in the ca
eet gran gran". All four o