A Young Inventor's Pluck; or, The Mystery of the Willington Legacy
Author: Edward Stratemeyer Genre: LiteratureA Young Inventor's Pluck; or, The Mystery of the Willington Legacy
sible? Has the b
he crowd echoed and re-echoed through his ears. Yes, the bank had
he groaned. "Wha
r pang. Without money and without work, h
ndred dollars will they give me at all," excl
pen?" asked the
is in a toight hole, an' is usin'
ct with the young machinist, but Jack did not like the man, first on account of his drinking habit, and secondly, because he
business, an
He was a brother-in-law to Mosey, but much more ed
eed," ret
f they don't pay us our wages or
sey, with a wicked look in his eye; "oi'll vow he'l
the building. The cashier's window was closed,
ted run upon this bank, no further payments will be made
, and Jack tried in vain to obtain definite inf
sidewalk, where Andy Mosey, the worse for s
e repeated in a heavy voice; "an' they call it a free coun
gh," repl
y dearly fer it,
will y
Thrust Andy Mosey to get s
opes of the past hour had been dashed to naught. No money meant no start in busi
try some other town," he thought. "But with
een alone, but with Deb depending upon him,
ouse standing upon one of the side streets of Corney. As
e? Visitors of som
nd Mr. Hammerby, the house-agent,
per business man, small in fo
by," he was saying. "People who hire
e fall ill, and get
I never--ah, here is your brother at
Jack, soberly, and with a sinking hea
ou know," replied the agent
just gone to get the
y," said Jack, as calmly as he could, b
happened?" burst o
has stoppe
your money from that pl
had gone out for it, bu
oney, Jack?" asked D
a c
the girl's eyes. He
must have the rent," s
me more. But I haven't got any pay for the past two weeks' work, and I hav
do you prop
as soon as I get my m
ve my money by to-night I'll serve
pon his tenants, but the truth was, he understood more of
ld be a long time before cash
eing behind just this once!" exclaimed Jac
e got more than you pay for these rooms, but I let you have
, eagerly; "surely he will not allow his own
mmerby, with assumed dignity. "He expects me to obey o
't the money,"
went on the agent, "and then
y left the apartment. The minute the
bed. "Was ever a person so cruel before! Oh
e means of averting the blow that appeared so imminent. Though it cut him to th
l him just how the matter stands. I don't believe if he kne
st-hearted man in Corney," d
act, and in a few second
?" asked his sist
eet me at the corner if
of the town. It was an elegant establishment throughout, a
imself among half a dozen others, all awa
ter the library. He found Mr. Felix Gray seated at
n of fifty, with a certain sull
is it?" he asked,
r Jack stated his case. Mr
. They have entire charge. Besides, it would be folly for me to make your ca
r some of the money due me, or for my savings--
drew hi
," he returned coolly. "I never make
ut on the street again with bitter defeat