Mermaids of Calabar ( Beginning)
🌹 ᗯ𝖗𝖎𝖙�
at rocked the calm coastal bays outside of Calabar making it restless. Floating on this very coastal bay is a big boat owned by smugglers as it rocks gently through the wind. After drop
ecision was made. After swimming deep into the bay, the smugglers came across the crate. In that moment, one of them straps the crate with a grappling hook and then gives the signal to those above to pull it up. As the crate was being pulled up, the other smuggler soon notices something shining just a few meters from where the crate was. Out of curiosity, the smuggler swims over to the pl
g, the lights ceased and sitting before the eyes of the smugglers were thousands of pearl but besides these pearls there were three egg sized pearls that caught the eyes of the smugglers. Unlike the other pearls, these egg sized pearls were made of golden and were glittering like diamonds. In that moment, the two s
cargo. As soon as the crate was brought on board, he orders his men to open it and remove the contents from within. As soon as the crate was forcefully open, d
d store them below deck. Let's hustle. I'm sur
, Okon and Leech
Wetin dem dey
ter and as soon as soon as they were back on deck, Joe queries them about th
a for water? Una think say
but na something
na treasure
sure? Whic
ry pearls.
una no b
the pearls dey big and heavy o. E go ta
boss na Wet
became more stronger. Within a blink of an eye, a heavy downpour soon descended from the sky. Seeing tha
eedy and selfish man not to mention dangerous. His reputation is well in Calabar and because of that, the man has more enemies than friends. Unlike most of his wealthy colleagues, Akaninyene's i
where he sees Akaninyene sitting comfortably on his couch reading the newspaper. In that moment, Akaninyene shifts his gaze from the newspaper onto Joe who
yene ➡
ne ➡ Hav
k you sir
o you know why
➡ No
ene ➡ H
omething w
➡ Hold on
Okon and Leech. The two were barely recognizable because of the swells and blood on their faces. Joe who was stu
'm sure you know th
ver this city. Hours ago, some of my informants saw these two at the black mark
➡ No
on't know about the treasure your boys
That's all they told me. They said there was a lot of
ou didn't bother t
m pretty sure your boys didn't tell you everything. You see what your boys
Joe opened his mouth in shock as he saw the egg sized golden pearls sitting inside the box. He couldn't believe that his boys had smuggled these under his nose without him noticing. H
is is what your boys found and
don't know where
n't know what valuable treasure your boys found. If you had known, you wouldn't be here right now. You will find that tre
gger boat and a suitable equipment t
ill be taken care o
➡ No
ood, how soon
is calm. I can't risk sail
n think about sneaking out of Calaba
➡ Good. N
about the
re no longer your
ugh the restless water under a heavy rain storm. The storm which had been going on for hours was getting more worst with each passing minute. In
members stood their ground doing all their best to se
rew members, the captain soon ordered his first mate to call them to all head back into the cabin to save their lives. In that moment, as the crew members were heading back into the cabin, another tidal wave rises again and hits
r strength was no match for the powerful current sweeping them all over not to mention the gian
ming swiftly and incredible fast towards the drowning crew members. Seeing that ti
the surface of the ocean and notices the powerful storm making the waters to be restless. In that moment, she casts a powerful spell in the sky making the rain storm to cease instantly and within a matter of minutes, the ocean be
usual habit. Isn't it time you
do you alw
s, you're next in line for the throne and yo
cks. I like the wa
ound seven seas a life? I'm
will return home once I
ever since the supernatural war
not dead Ete.
ut her and start finding some
➡ What
look so good. Is some
as behind it. Is there somet
ell, th
l me, what'
fferings the sirens made to the goddess of the dark depths Ns
be! Something is n
are you g
ng to find out
🐠 Z
r pleasure. Their desire for terrorizing humans has caused quite a stir in last thousand
inating the seas for generation. Truth is, I adore humans especially their nature. Everything about them fascinates me, they're so dynamic and their evolution is a marvel. Hones
e a waste of time cause they don't care much about the lives of the those on the surface, so it's better if I handled this myself. Presently here I was at the borders of the Siren kin
the Queen of the sirens and her royal guards app
eye with. Not only is she too proud and selfish but she doesn't seem to know her place. Many at
our younger years but due to some terrible incident,
ncess Zenti. It's been a lo
s. The last we met,
t brings you here to the bor
ard about what
ious acts will not go unpunished. They will
at is why
for this humans is very sickening and intol
ction and I want you to call it off.
and order me on what to do? I act
the kingdom of the Atlanti
The humans crossed the line
orgotten your place!! You do n
en items and i will call off my sirens. You have 60 days
ou wouldn
ion from your father to do as I see fit.
was short and the good thing was it was already dark. Shortly after arriving in Calabar, I swam straight to the Calabar beach were I emerged out of the water. It was the only place I could come out wi
erging his manhood into her cunt rapidly and as for the lady whose moans were getting louder tightened her hands on her lover's b-tt cheeks
e beach water and saw to the other side of the beach to avoid been seen. After getting there, I transformed my fins into h
ming straight towards me and before I could see who it was, I lost consciousness. Moments later, I found myself on the beach covered with a shirt right next to a bunch of books. In that moment, I sat up touching my head pai
ey, are yo