Blue Thunder: The Rise of the Legend
children of the gods: between those of darkness and those of light. Sethbe and his brothers, Liedte and Zienkhe, were overseers in the darkness. They cou
he child officially to Ghar, the brothers' creator, protected by the watchful eyes of the tem
st 8
ever happened to her, better than the night she accepted Donny as her husband and mate. She dropped her in her small crib and t
she would be able to fight if needed. During the day, Anita took care of registering Coralis' birth to the humans. With a human birth certificate, she was hoping th
or her in the living room when sh
I didn't hear you coming i
n I got in. Note, I don't blame you, that girl is so cute, I would also ha
Meozo wouldn't sense her. I don't
ry to tell him that you lost the baby, he will kill you for lying to him and all the wards prote
him. It's bad enough that Donny and I couldn't s
. Even if he was trapped within a summoning circle, Anita shivered when she saw him and struggled to
are you doing? I heard you and Donny couldn't have
her husband, who was standing across the room right
was planning to avoid answering by changing subject and wasn't above flirting with hi
e the pleasure to meet
emain calm and t
leep, this is not a place for an infant," Donny answered be
e of two things, and neither were good. Either he managed to extract the information from one of the witnesses who were in Egypt with them when they presented their chil
by the sounds of a commotion coming from the main floor. His mind went to Coralis instantly. He looked at his wife, who was running for the stairs. Bef
zed that he couldn't dissipate to leave the room: he was trapped in the summoning circle. He didn't know how the authorities found
rs to destroy Lord Meozo and dismantle his operation. They raided a lot of their meetings for the past few months, dest
They were all dead and in ashes, except Dorothy. Before they left, she told them of a
do enough. She also knew that there was a lot of people who would likely come after her, so she couldn't take the girl. Going a
2-month-old daughter Nadilla sleeping in another room. The rest of Anita's family was also under suspicion and Donny's family could not be loca