Pay The Billioniare for One Night Stand
apart from the reflection of a wristwat
rove that it belonged to Albert. This
ed his work at noon when he recei
ite lace dress and flat shoes, with her slender, fair hands gently cradling her slightly swoll
are both doing well, bu
glect your health. Make sure to eat on time. O
little irritated. After thinking for
baby. Once work calms down, I'l
ul! The baby and I wil
e turned to call Alice, flirted with he
t, he received a call from Cindy, forcing him
ing room, he saw Cind
n you right now? Forget everything else-Ronan alone is enough trouble. I still haven't figured out how to handle Grace,
ugging at his lips. "Mom, don't worry. I
d of that woman immediately! If you push Anna too far and she runs to com
slumped onto the sofa. He replied
a all these years. Even if she was devoted to you before, there will come a da
was known to everyone in our circle. I, the dignified president of the Smith Gr
ndy stepped forward and p
st important assets. How they are distributed in the future will be entirely up to him. If you want to achieve great things, you can't a
ormidable figure in the business world, but now that he's old, he's lost his judgment. The Jones family has been nothing
children were born, they had arranged their marriage. Though Adam had long passed awa
complaining now. If you want to secure your positi
her moves, Cindy would not allow anyon
as she questioned, "And what about
y mistake. I want her to stay in the France to give birth. Once I soli
g that factory riot. That's the only reason I took Grace in, raised h
to keep her as your mistress, that's your business. But don't even t
"I understand. Don't worry, given her background, I
o the family estate for dinner. Your
rt's brows furro
her is William's heir. In a few days, William will be hosting a pri
Lady William? The matriarch of New York City'
ts you and Anna at the est
y. However, Charles was notoriously elusive and rarely attended social events.
aining, Albert stood up a
his temples, feeling exha
lately. Send some people to cause
up, his icy
n't about to beg Anna. He knew exactly
awling back to him, lowering herself to beg for his help. This time w
pany him to the family estate, and they would
e was the one holding the string. No matter how high or far she f
when she was startled awake by th
r. Rubbing her sleepy ey
e came throu
happened to him. You need to get