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Contract with CEO

Chapter 3 03

Word Count: 957    |    Released on: 10/03/2025

is whether you're going to tell me how to do my job or not, and I certainly don't care if yo

raises his voice nearly to a shout. "I wouldn't need to

ster, and I learned to shout louder than her by the age of four. "I know how to do my damn job, and I'

a fork clatters to the floor, and my chest ris

nager quickly approaches me, his face twisted in disgust. "What are you thinking?" Bill ask

" I stammer, but Bill rai

gument with a customer," he says, and my body turns to ice. Fir

e appreciate your patronage," Bill says. His face is red as if he's embarra

er look at his well-tailored suit. It costs more than my annual salary. When I realize this, I swallow har

ise, and cleaned floors on my hands and knees during closing shifts. I'm terrible at r

am to this job or how long I've been here,

her two are enough to cover rent, medical bills, gas, groce

to pay my rent later this week. "I need this job more than you think, my rent h

e a huge mistake, no matter if I was right or wrong to stand up to s

," Bill starts, nervously glancing at the l

ase." My voice tightens. "I need it for my family. My mom has cancer, and the medi

isn't something I like to flaunt for attention and pity

firm. "I can't let my staff put on a show, raising thei

immediately t

e more minute for his cappuccino. And it's not my fault I didn't ke

the counter in front of everyone. If Bill wants a show, I'll

ur face in this establishment again, do you hear me?" Bill talks to

from these two men, and fed up with everyone

anger filling my eyes as I take my jacket off the hook. The whole café is stil

ool, though, and if I have to go

traight in the eye. "I hope you're happy with yourself

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