icking him up by the worn belt around his wais
w, landing atop the refuse and empty cardboard boxes inside. Sensing no onlookers, but still visually scanning the area, she removed a small can of Zippo cigarettd dumpster lid. Isadora walked to the front of the alley, the only sound the clicking of her boots on the damp pavement. As she traversed the wet s
n who had tried to rob him. She couldn't risk the creep making an attempt on someone else. Honesty set in as she con
a was definitely getting under her skin, and her Audi seemed to automati
t the entrance to the underground parking garage. It meant he paid quite a bit more for rent on an already Spartan income, but that night it seemed perfectly worth it. He pull
om the medium-sized bedroom and attached bathroom, there was a livi
one of the two barstools. Frowning, his mind kept repeating the flurry of events that comprised the attempted robbery. He marveled
fire escape. He pointed the remote at the TV and then changed his mind. Gazing towards the sheer curtains, he couldn't help feeling watched. He got up and looked out one of the windows, but only saw the aged red brick wall of a nontartled him. Damn it. He sto
in a terse voice. "Jo
eplied with
ressed as her TV play
hair and explained, "Well, I got mugg
. "That's terrible! Did
prise, and he demanded in
iend at work, Terri, had her purse stolen, and it took like
h disgust. You're kidding, right? he thought wildly before putting the phone back to his ea
dora?" she demanded
Isadora Reynolds. She's one of my history studen
y a mile,
t her end of the line. "When did all thi
ch. "It's a good thing she was there because the guy
ss end way before that?"
l, yeah, I guess. I was working late
n your office, too
to say? I get mugged, and maybe stabbed if it weren't for Isador
and retorted, "Of course, I
ing. "Well, I was alone in my office, t
I'm glad that you're okay and th
he said, u
o come over or an
. He felt exhausted, wanting only to take a shower, have a beer to calm his nerves, and maybe go
ay?" she insisted. "Sure,"
e said befor
tchen counter and headed to
outside Joshua's apartment window, well to the side in the shadows so thatof his living room. While concerned for his
to jeopardize his job. It was all she could do not to seek him out after each class ended. Still, there were only two weeks left before the semester ended, and she would end her brief stint at coll
with him, as well. She longed to share his body, to partake in his blood
Joshua's conversation with his girlfriend
better. Someone like me,
fairly dark where she stood, she didn't want to press her luck on being noticed. Instead, she quickly but
Isadora had reacted. She seemed unusually calm and collected about everything, while he had felt scared t
at is it about Isadora that keeps nagging at me? However, no answ
and investment activities, her mind kept wandering back to Joshua. She adored listening to him and watching him lecture in her evening history class, and once again she considered how
g it feel more like a life and less of a drudgery. She had enjoyed their brief interactions
e had reacquired a sense of enjoyment in the interactions with others of her kind. There were a number of fellow v
been living in Paris. He was usually very good about keeping in touch, so she was surprised. Howev
ick communication as personal or impersonal as she liked. Transportation around the world was effortless, though often at a considerable cost. Cable television provided hours, or even days, of alternate
m a vampire named Alton, who was as close a friend as she'd ever kn
sed. Maybe Alton will at least b
e college, he was somewhat remorseful that one particular evening history section was coming to an end. On the last class meeting, he passed out the final exam
ed a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I studied," she offered with a wink. He smiled genuinely, and it w
set of eyes in the classroom followed her. She placed it onto the podium in front of Joshua while her eyes never left
er beautiful green eyes, wishing that propriety didn't
almost helpless manner. As she withdrew her hand with a quick, smooth motion, she managed to caress the tips of her fingers gracefully across the top of his hand as he gripp
of the podium, and his mind raced with the desire to call her name. However,
egarding their grades, and trying to bring order to the chaos oft
osite side of the podium, and he gained immedia
f her friends on a weekend getaway trip to Florida. He tried to explain that his evenings and upcoming weekend would be swamped with a litany
it in large white letters. He had just finished posting the grades for his evening history class, in which Isadora made a perfect "A." Her accomplishment, whil
ticed it was Melanie's number.
e filed away some graded essays in a sma
d in a surprisin
st be forgive
ahead and joined my friends on the Jacksonville trip this weekend? I mean, you'
go without me." He wasn't sure exactly how much time he'd have to devote to her on th
h renewed excitement. "I
well after six months
d of hers, Greg Betwich
p the couples
" he asked wit
costume party we went to who was dressed as the peanut M&M,"
guy dressed as the M&M who kept asking women if they wanted to pr
an carefully. "Are you planning t
No silly, he's just going to eve
eemed to appreciate his concern. "Oh, wel
e casually added. "But it's not like we'll be staying in the same
ling me? Okay, so maybe she doesn't appreciate me as
e you guys leaving?" he ask
beat the Friday afternoon rush," she answer
re, so I'll know you're okay,"
don't stay too late up at the college. There
u tomorrow then." "'Night!" she
ing up, he turned the blinds down so he wouldn't feel like a fish in a bowl. He noted how eerily quiet the building was. It was only around eight o'clock, but most of the f
uite the
d his heart felt like it stopped in its t
h a mischievous grin while fol
note of her snug black denim jeans and brilliant blue, long-sleeved turtleneck sweater. Her red hai
le you," she pl
ead despite himself. "You
row at him and mut
silent admiration. "So, Isadora, what b
find you here," s
you made a perfect score on everything, including the bonus questions." The completely unusual nature of that registe
now," she absently replied.
s time. She warmly smiled at him as she listened to his pulse, noting he had a strong heart. From where she stood, she could almost hear t
ould talk, actually," s
e gesturing to a small
green eyes. "Actually, I was thinking that ma
d. His smile faded, and he responded, "I'm sorry, Isadora. I sh
raised an eyebrow and countered,
act," he carefully answered.
"I don't believe I'm
face. "I don't understand," he ventured with co
in an almost self
al is amazing. Surely, you want
ression. "No, my college experience has come to an end,
sked, "Well, what other c
and she paused before answeri
imple statement, and his thoughts seemed to seize as he got
while never losing ey
en by the dim lighting it was a spectacle of automotive engineering. He couldn't even d
r remote. Ah, he likes it, she complimented herself. "Ho
fit him like a glove, and he glanced sidelong at Isadora with a wide-eyed expression. "This is
o played alternative rock tunes. She basked in the sense of anticipation emana
they secured a small table in the corner of the room near the magazine rack. Pleasant acoustic guitar music serenaded them over the speakers, and they viewed the busy street outside through the front wi
o her interest in him. Gone were the premises of the college environment in which she initially sought him. He was hers to
. "Granted, it's not coffee
ed with a hint of surprise. "I do
that night had a different feel to it; somehow daring, yet surprisingly comforting to him. "Yes," he
hat vampires could appreciate many beverages and even some foods, though they derived no nutrition
want to talk a
ng in the intimacy of their conversation. "Anyth
And yet he frowned ever so slightly as he considered whether
idn't want to cause him undue guilt over being here with her, she also didn't really care
at all certain just how much more complicated anything could be between the two of them. Even after six months or more he still wasn't entirely sure where he and Melanie stood as a
ggle and patiently wai
e here with you," he said fi
sed. Much like wh
with an encouraging smile. "Becaus
er's company. Then something that had been on Joshua's mind since
"But do we know each other from somewhere? And not from cla
onfirmed. She was surprised that the little hypnosis trick during his childhood had worked so well. However
the subject of a study," he n
original question. "I've only been in Atlanta for a f
and nodded.
be the end of that line o
g?" he politely inquired, but with an immediate s
you to tell me about yourself." He
bserved with mo
ng, "I grew up in Ohio near Columbus. My mother ra
ually asked. He frowned
and gently ventured, "You so
man, you see," he explained in a vague manner. "And he drank. But one day he simply
despicable man, Joshua, she thought to herself. I'm glad I killed him, s
in. She had a great job in Columbus working for a mortgage processing company, and she worked her way up to senior mortgage processing su
ke a remarkable woman,
with a frown. "But she was kind
shotgun, and made sure we had a great home security system. But she never wanted me involved with any of that. When I asked if she would take me to the self-defense class so w
y word. She wanted to keep you away from violence. She fe
dded almost as an afterthought. "And she would
s darted to m
know it's crazy, but I kept thinking...it's like she
gone forever, she willed with her piercing green e
appeared so cold to him, and felt a shiver go up
ed after practically seeing th