Twisted Loyalties
at running down their faces .
ed in pain. Drake loo
lright? Wa
e the truth. You were a
d at him ra
y angry, Goddammit, Drake! Did you
led a bit amused. Her face was a
he bed, walking towards her. She grunted in anger and
ll angry . He finally laughed
Do not be like that
it's my fault? Is that wh
in prayer position ,
I did not mean it that way. I
moved closer and placed his hands
passing you off. You are so cute w
tly. The love connection between the
gain, em
nfused, raisi
a warm expressio
nd made to walk away, b
ill be forced
smirked and started tickli
" she said this
hly. She glared at him with
hearing that Drake was now married to Carol her former be
into her room on h
ith you?" her mother
at her mothe
he fuck alo
t this was not the first time that Elisha was being this rude.
at is troubling you. A problem
her and took deep breath
es. Her mother walked to her, but didn't seat bes
all e
is married
ed in disbelief
t friend from co
Drake didn't even seem like someone who would ever
ughter began bursting into tears. Sh
right to cry, but you have to move
med, stil
the qorls and he left me for that conniving asshol
oken daughter. Frankly, she knew that Drake never liked Elish
gant and virtually mean to every
ecause of their money and influence. She even worked as a strip
eless, yet, Elisha was nev
living hell. She would demand things that were very e
r sheepis
hat could you possibl
t her mother. The mother
ing stupid, Eli
alked to her big mi
ways will be mine. No chick is going
mother and loo
ave to head down to the brothel.
s that almost exposed her buttocks. She then wor
cally witha smug smile plastered
!" her mothe
e her. Her hand bala
aid with all
e you,
her eyes. After that, she exited the
n a wreck ever since she married her husband. He abandoned h
a highly problematic child and always humiliating her in
ve of embarrassment she fel
he age of ten. Her mother never app
thirty tear old. It was beyond immoral. It was a
chen and resolved deeply. S