ever speak to each other in English unless we are in public. Our Papi's parents were Russian
hey got home. We needed to make sure the house was clean and have their dinner ready before ou
us knew that they were drunk and probably not alone. I finish serving the food quick
walked in and my body fills wit
illed the kitchen and Sawyer, Quinn, and I lined up ag
to end well as the small group made their way into the kitchen. Jacob looked ove
ood it wouldn't satisfy him. Honestly, I'm not sure anything would. He picked up the plate in front of him and
ac's voice and rushed to pick up the broken shards and discarded food and while I was c
o hopefully try to calm him as we scurried over to Quinn and walked over to the door that I knew the three of us feared the most. I opened the door, tighte
happen and knowing I had no way to get myself and my twins out of it. Sawyer and
ch other though I don't think it worked for any of us. Although the basement was dim I could still see the outlines of t
see how afraid we are they will hurt us worse, begg
their voices approach the door and then th
ee Jacob and his other friend Lyle doing the same to Sawyer and Avery though Avery fights back against Lyle. I wish she wouldn't, it just makes this all harder though I am glad she hasn't lost her wi
the men finish shackling us up. The three of them then move back loo
th see this as well and while they try to fight to stop him my heart stops. The three ignore my twins like they don't matter in the slightest. I wish they did no
ting closer to me. My heart is racing and it's hard to hear my twins' voices yelling at them trying to provoke them to hur
through my body as he pressed me against the freezing wall. He traces the knife along
hen Dianne comes over. I can smell her sickly sweet perfume that
arve more words into my back. The men then come back and punch me until all I can think is to wish I could blackout. They finally sto
to race over to where Quinn lay still on the ground ignoring our pain. I faintly hear the squ
the rundown house to our small room. I grab our bag of medical supplies as Sawyer lays Quinn on the bed. I pass him the bag and grab new clothes for Quinn. After Sawyer takes care of her back the best he c