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The Heart of Steel

Chapter 4 Echoes

Word Count: 1650    |    Released on: 16/02/2025

is voice. Just as the words left his mouth the black SUV cornered and pulled up in front of them, they were trapped

opened with footsteps heading towards their dir

s with guns pointed to his head and just as the men were

his mouth but the strong taste did little to help his troubled mind shake

here he punched in the combinations to t

secrets whilst also trying to figure out how to keep the family business afloat

ng that attracted Germano to her bu

finds himself in, his feelings for Micaela seem to give him

his point they are still getting acquainted but they both yearn for something unique

n't wake you up," Germano said, s

h care and affection. Something Germano never had or experienced mostly because Germano, Lorenzo and Lucret

e you?" Germano's voic

talk later hopefully then you will tell me what exactly is eating you up becaus

was fixated on figuring out the entire message that his father was trying to pass across

Germano's phone rang "Boss, the warehouse

reply before quickly grabbing his keys and storming out of the Manor house, luckily the war

oors that were meant to deter and intimidate swung ajar on twisted hinges.

ed by someone in Germano's organisation because this sort of opera

a troubled man searching desperately for answers "Who could have done this?"

itor is and put an end to all

ke to ensure that Padrino's legacy and the family's business does

la's voice could be heard over the ph

osing both his timing and words careful

wrong with me. How did yo

have melted even the meanest of men and Germano was different because he felt something deep insid

gs you don't know about

o!" Micaela hung up the phone with those words, She cuddled her teddy tightly and closed her eyes. The only man she has ever felt something for is an enigma, German

he warehouse incident earlier......Micaela's last words before she hung up resounded in Germano's subconscious mind. He couldn't make peace with the thought of a sweet and innocent lady like Micaela knowing that he- Germano Macini is the head of a Mafia family bec

k his McLaren keys and was driving

n the midst of all that

n hand he meticulously searched the entire warehouse leaving no stone unturned.

t a closer look magnified the object- a vintage wristwatch. It became more familiar just as he picked it up. He could swea

inking about who he'd seen within the o

rehouse was Viktor, his driver. Viktor had called to say he won't be available to drive Germano because he was sick with the flu but it all makes sense now ... .could it be Viktor that was

Germano" Germano whispered knock

nt that it can't wait till

ocation until I tell you to return and if you never hear from me again the

best brother in the world but I want you to know that I

iate you're looking out fo

Lucreatia could be his b

suddenly a thought crossed his

skip a beat, who could be knocking at this ho

th the words "it's me". It was him- German

ark in his eyes as he looked at he

hutting the door behind him with

beat. Micaela opened her mouth to speak but the words weren't

t, she felt a rush inside her...Micaela raised her head and her eye

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