Echoes Of fear
's not the most glamorous job,but it's fulfilling. I'm the type of person who enjoys the littl
ime with my family and had a few close friends. I liked to stay connected with p
s Victor Leroy,he worked with me at the call center where I starte
didn't pay him much attention, but for some reason he always seemed to find a way to start conversation
t take long before i realized that he was.....different. He'd ask
t too familiar with me too quickly. I was polite,but i didn't encourage it,i wasn'
where. Eventually, Victor was let go from the company. His performa
ething strange happened. One day,i got a follow request from a profile on Instagram i didn't recogni
. why would he want to follow me? But i didn't want to make a big deal out of it so, i a
,that follow request. I mean, it's not like i hadn't accepted random requests before. Social media is
ing,just the occasional picture quotes..but slowly, h
t the photos i shared with families and friends but even the mundane pictures of my b
mpliments like "Great pic" or "that outfit looks amazing" but as time went on,they started t
ng it. It wasn't like he was doing anything directly wrong...but then one evening,i not
e you seen that new movie?" But soon the messages started to feel more invasive. He as
sked " what's his name again?" And "is he treating you well?". That's whe
,like he was trying to get too close. I blocked him. I thought that wo
seemed to be my old friends. I didn't think twice. Afterall,i was a
ram, the profiles looked familiar. Old friends from highschool and college, people i hadn't heard from in year
he floodgate opened. They began liking almost every post,sending me
niscence of his obsessive ways with odd questions and odd comments that
the way they texted didn't match the energy of my actual friends. I'd known these peopl
as horrified,how could he do this? could he go this far?. As i pieced everything together, t
y life. He knew about my family,the places I went to,my hobbies,my routine. He knew about
e,so meticulously gathering these details and now invade my space like this. I began to
ou, what the hell is wrong with you?!... you've crossed the line" i texted,my hands shaking as i typed. My heart wa
his behavior would not go unpunished..but even while i hit "send" i felt a w
ult Olivia,you shouldn't have ignored me" Victor wrote. The anger in his words sent a col