Burning Embers
her right now so... I am the driver, my life is the road, the bags of cement are problems, mistakes, love (basically everything th
d and my eyes fell on the family portrait that sad above the bed's headboard. It was portrait of our family- my Father, my Mother my Brothers (Jack and Paul) and me the youngest â taken on
I moved down the hallway. I was met with the scent of my father's oud perfume. I followed the scent in to the r
uncing, my presence
ds slowly the way he always did he removed
you r
and listened to his words of encouragement and h
ion not to cry, I couldn't help the tears as he spoke,as I imagined bein
n to your studies and surround our self with the right people. 'Okay mom' I answere
ntered the car that took me to the airport with
use I've never left my parents
n't left, I would never have met him. The one who
de to play an in flight movie, and so I slept all the way from America to Vancouver.We arrived at Vancouver International Airport in the morning and as Jack and I made our way out of the plane, he turned to
to go and check if they have second book of the Brandon sander-son series" I told my brother wh
of grey, curious to see all what the fuss has been about. After I paid at the counter,I turned around and a guy bumped into
a British accent as pulled his phone from h
he said like he was
his phone "You weren't wa
high school. They exchanged handshake and pleasantries. I rolled my eyes