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Chapter 8 ESCAPE

Word Count: 1253    |    Released on: 14/02/2025


ing compulsive. I'm terrified that something could happen to me and that the group that is after me could be successful. And there was a tiny, emotional, silly part of me that wanted to calm that dread. However, losing was that aspect tonight. The conflict. I put on a similar nose mask, put on a sleek black sweatshirt, and put on brown contacts. I couldn't recognise myself in the mirror; I was just another shadow in the darkness. I muttered, "Let's see how good your fortress is, Daniel," with a slight smirk tugging at my lips. --- It was almost comically easy to move around the apartment without making noise. The guards were predictable-too dependent on technology and cameras-and my soft-soled boots didn't make a sound on the smooth marble. I had memorised their flaws and studied their routines for weeks. They failed because of their conceit. They saw me as nothing more than Daniel's feisty girlfriend, a pampered lady who was rebelling against her opulent cage. They didn't recognise me. I was dubbed Rebel by the world. Assassin.Legend. Ghost. The group wanted me dead, so there was some validity to Daniel's worry over my safety. But the solution was not to hide myself away. I wasn't a flower that needed prot

ith a quick, vicious twist of the neck and the other with a sword to the throat. They fell to the ground in silence. I arrived prepared, but the office door was reinforced. The lock was blown with a tiny charge without sounding an alert. When the door opened, Marvin was seated behind a desk with a smug look on his face. He didn't flinch at all. "So, you're the legendary Rebel," he said in a confident drawl. "I have to say, I anticipated-" He was interru

the music as I danced before

had never left, except for Daniel, who was waiting for me. He sat in a comfortable armchair by the window, holding a glass of red wine, his dark eyes staring at me

all smile. "You didn't let me down." With his hands cradling my face, he took two steps to get closer to me. His touch sent chills down my spine since it was compassionate and possessive at the same time. His breath was warm against my skin as he said, "But don't take my indulgence for leniency."His breath was warm against my skin as he whispered. Rebel, you're mine. I also don't share. Despite my heart thumping in my chest, I kept my exhilaration an

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