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Married To The Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 5902    |    Released on: 12/02/2025

ty. Many girls were heartbroken, realizing the billionaire playboy was

th satisfaction as he turned aw


you wanted"He replied coldly, He

ok responsibility for your life. You shouldn't be angry about this b

. "A perfect wife? I don't even care. I'll n

at him for a second

ting marrie

n shock. "Tomorrow?" he repeated coldly.

last night, and now he was expecte

o suddenly was suffocating. All Rapheal

proposed,If only she knew what she was getting herself into. H

he wedding will take place at the estate tomorrow at

ally, his voice cold. "But don't

al walked out of



he witnessed yesterday,Her eyes were fi

second. She had been crying and fuming with anger ev

she just swoop in and ste

dream was slipping away,All because of her dumb St

ed side table and threw it

ng open and her mother,

ecilia's disheveled appearance an

w you're upset about Rapheal's engagement to Elsa

nything mother! It should have been me not her! He's mine,I

slapped her hard against her cheek. Cecilia's he

ur father is planning to give all his

laimed. "I am the first daughter... I am the one w

's expression

s loved Elsa more than

ct daughter, the perfect h

e hated Elsa even more now.. "I hate her

redrick said

hate her for trying to take eve

at her mother. ",I can't let her take what's mine mu


hange the fact that your father is planning to transfer e

hock. "What?" she exclaimed."

y slapped her hand o

on't say that out loud, do yo

de with fear and shock

Mrs Frederick grip relaxed, and she removed h

ery low. "Elsa is a threat to everything we hold dear. She has to die and when

in, her mind racin

uthless and cunning, but she Never expecte


her and she immediate

your father,Bond with him, Act like a g


hter"Mrs Fredri


y as she carefully covered a b

irror, her eyes narrowing as she mad

and began to cover the f

oing to keep hiding

rd her sister's voice and

id softly. "

at her, Her expression c

coldly, her voice filled with s

g the concealer. "I d

o yourself?" Darlina's vo

zel's reflection in the mirror, her eyes welling up with tears. "I've told yo

nd"Hazel cut h

to live your life as you please, Leave him please before it's

of us when our parents were no more, he paid your

ugh the room. "He throws it in your face every time, reminding you of how much you owe him

eyes. Her body was trembling as she stood, t

ned as she took a st

e's manipulating you, using guilt to keep you tra

there's nothing to do about it. You know I got married to him because i had to take ca

o, Hazel, no! I would never want you to sacrifice your ha

his help,He wa

clenching hard against her chest. It took everything in her not to

mbling as she brushed a strand of hair behi

ease stop crying and go to school

mouth to protest, b

sound stronger than she felt. "Just go to

nd then nodded, She grabbed her back



forcing a smile onto her face as

ors opened on Liam's floor. She took a deep breath and walke

t skipped another beat as she heard Liam's v

lked in, her eyes scanning the

ep frown etched on his face as he st

ed, his eyes locking onto he

fee on the desk. "Good morn

g over her face before he stood up and

ick. Are you alright?" he as

he reached out to touch her cheek, his fin

st, pulling her closer to him. Hazel's eyes widened as she fel

ot to breathe. Liam's eyes were filled with

am asked, his voice soft and gentle. "Hav

he tried to step back, but

," she said,in

owed, his eyes s

voice very gentle. "You look like you

ay the memories of the previous night. She didn't want to th

ed to go back

to go back to her husband. She liked being there at th

n he was impressed with her work and when he smile

eated, trying to sound c

rs, his gaze piercing as

but he let her go and she t

"She asked,her voice switc

d nodded. "Yes, I need you

hot up in surprise

getting married tomorro

shock. "Rapheal is getti

called his words when he said the Age of 50 was the best time for marriage

noticing her surprise

l no

ned serious. "Will yo

I...I don't think so,

rrowed in conc

eyes d

allow it."She blurted

pened. "What do

husband and I

hated hearing the word hu

d you lik

felt a flutter in her chest. "I

roke into a c

nd I want you to be there too. I'

d a beat as she look

ent blank. She couldn't think of a reason to sa

think ab

red for a moment,

end you the details of the wedding, and

ldn't go to the wedding, not w

f her wanted

to the wedding. I'd love to see

knew she was blushing. She nodd

xedos I find, so you can choose

his lips. "Anyone you pick is fine," h

surprise, she wasn't ex

d and immediately walked out of the office

always making her feel hot and fl



ck as he stared at his phone.

heal?" He continued to stare at his pho

the school, where he saw walking in. A wide smile sprea

en he noticed her the look on her f

Triston asked softly, his

Darlina resp

e added, turning to walk away. But Triston q

he started to say bu

HE FUCK ALONE!" she shouted, her

s turned to

y released her arm. "I'm sorry," he sa

g and walking away with

ton walk away. She regretted snapping at h

h, She turned and


pheal who was ligh

nce they both entered the car

t what they wanted for the wedding with the w

d. Was he mad at her? Did she do somethin

oke, his lips pursed as he exhaled a stream of smoke that

as she inha

aze lingering on her face for a moment befo

, didn't apologise o

e driver announced

and pushed open the door, stepping out of t

it for her to follow, He just left li

ise, and she felt hurt when he sud

out and ru

ut he continued walking ah

d out to touch his arm but he jerked hi

e ever again"He warned coldly a

s already glossy with tear

ty. Many girls were heartbroken, realizing the billionaire playboy was

th satisfaction as he turned aw


you wanted"He replied coldly, He

ok responsibility for your life. You shouldn't be angry about this b

. "A perfect wife? I don't even care. I'll n

at him for a second

ting marrie

n shock. "Tomorrow?" he repeated coldly.

last night, and now he was expecte

o suddenly was suffocating. All Rapheal

proposed,If only she knew what she was getting herself into. H

he wedding will take place at the estate tomorrow at

ally, his voice cold. "But don't

al walked out of



he witnessed yesterday,Her eyes were fi

second. She had been crying and fuming with anger ev

she just swoop in and ste

dream was slipping away,All because of her dumb St

ed side table and threw it

ng open and her mother,

ecilia's disheveled appearance an

w you're upset about Rapheal's engagement to Elsa

nything mother! It should have been me not her! He's mine,I

slapped her hard against her cheek. Cecilia's he

ur father is planning to give all his

laimed. "I am the first daughter... I am the one w

's expression

s loved Elsa more than

ct daughter, the perfect h

e hated Elsa even more now.. "I hate her

redrick said

hate her for trying to take eve

at her mother. ",I can't let her take what's mine mu


hange the fact that your father is planning to transfer e

hock. "What?" she exclaimed."

y slapped her hand o

on't say that out loud, do yo

de with fear and shock

Mrs Frederick grip relaxed, and she removed h

ery low. "Elsa is a threat to everything we hold dear. She has to die and when

in, her mind racin

uthless and cunning, but she Never expecte


her and she immediate

your father,Bond with him, Act like a g


hter"Mrs Fredri


y as she carefully covered a b

irror, her eyes narrowing as she mad

and began to cover the f

oing to keep hiding

rd her sister's voice and

id softly. "

at her, Her expression c

coldly, her voice filled with s

g the concealer. "I d

o yourself?" Darlina's vo

zel's reflection in the mirror, her eyes welling up with tears. "I've told yo

nd"Hazel cut h

to live your life as you please, Leave him please before it's

of us when our parents were no more, he paid your

ugh the room. "He throws it in your face every time, reminding you of how much you owe him

eyes. Her body was trembling as she stood, t

ned as she took a st

e's manipulating you, using guilt to keep you tra

there's nothing to do about it. You know I got married to him because i had to take ca

o, Hazel, no! I would never want you to sacrifice your ha

his help,He wa

clenching hard against her chest. It took everything in her not to

mbling as she brushed a strand of hair behi

ease stop crying and go to school

mouth to protest, b

sound stronger than she felt. "Just go to

nd then nodded, She grabbed her back



forcing a smile onto her face as

ors opened on Liam's floor. She took a deep breath and walke

t skipped another beat as she heard Liam's v

lked in, her eyes scanning the

ep frown etched on his face as he st

ed, his eyes locking onto he

fee on the desk. "Good morn

g over her face before he stood up and

ick. Are you alright?" he as

he reached out to touch her cheek, his fin

st, pulling her closer to him. Hazel's eyes widened as she fel

ot to breathe. Liam's eyes were filled with

am asked, his voice soft and gentle. "Hav

he tried to step back, but

," she said,in

owed, his eyes s

voice very gentle. "You look like you

ay the memories of the previous night. She didn't want to th

ed to go back

to go back to her husband. She liked being there at th

n he was impressed with her work and when he smile

eated, trying to sound c

rs, his gaze piercing as

but he let her go and she t

"She asked,her voice switc

d nodded. "Yes, I need you

hot up in surprise

getting married tomorro

shock. "Rapheal is getti

called his words when he said the Age of 50 was the best time for marriage

noticing her surprise

l no

ned serious. "Will yo

I...I don't think so,

rrowed in conc

eyes d

allow it."She blurted

pened. "What do

husband and I

hated hearing the word hu

d you lik

felt a flutter in her chest. "I

roke into a c

nd I want you to be there too. I'

d a beat as she look

ent blank. She couldn't think of a reason to sa

think ab

red for a moment,

end you the details of the wedding, and

ldn't go to the wedding, not w

f her wanted

to the wedding. I'd love to see

knew she was blushing. She nodd

xedos I find, so you can choose

his lips. "Anyone you pick is fine," h

surprise, she wasn't ex

d and immediately walked out of the office

always making her feel hot and fl



ck as he stared at his phone.

heal?" He continued to stare at his pho

the school, where he saw walking in. A wide smile sprea

en he noticed her the look on her f

Triston asked softly, his

Darlina resp

e added, turning to walk away. But Triston q

he started to say bu

HE FUCK ALONE!" she shouted, her

s turned to

y released her arm. "I'm sorry," he sa

g and walking away with

ton walk away. She regretted snapping at h

h, She turned and


pheal who was ligh

nce they both entered the car

t what they wanted for the wedding with the w

d. Was he mad at her? Did she do somethin

oke, his lips pursed as he exhaled a stream of smoke that

as she inha

aze lingering on her face for a moment befo

, didn't apologise o

e driver announced

and pushed open the door, stepping out of t

it for her to follow, He just left li

ise, and she felt hurt when he sud

out and ru

ut he continued walking ah

d out to touch his arm but he jerked hi

e ever again"He warned coldly a

s already glossy with tear

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