BLOOD LUST {alpha mysterious bride}
wizardry, vampires
e in betwe
forbidden love,
teen yesterday. Guess what? I celebrated my
been living as a slave
siblings are. I don't even know if they are alive
my heart forever. I only have one family and that's Camila and grand Mma
d ground, I raised my head to look at Eliza's
times I'm usually lost thinking, not about my dumbass family
bout me ok, you know I'm always plann
gas come and start your
hat particular guard what's his name again
ys finding fault in me. One day I'
me for us to bath as it was morning time. We go
dn't remember when I wore a better clothes or
my left arm. People usually think
?" I a
looked down. I looked around to know why
the last prince to be here normally he will be in the trai
ed was standing at the entrance o
at him in the eyes, else you'll
inted her ,What followed next was a comman
st came to her mind, what give you the right to command me around,yes am you
s talking to like this ,this man here is the dar
as ever spoken to him like this even his father was afraid of him
id that ,he twisted his hand and the guard groan in pian ,he tur
id Talia,T.A.L.I.A.she speared so do you
ut what he said shocked every one
an said and then wa