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The Alpha's Offering

The Alpha's Offering

Author: max htn

Chapter 1 Chapitre 1

Word Count: 773    |    Released on: 11/02/2025

he Of

ed from the friction of the iron. The blindfold over her eyes didn't stop the smell of soo

should have been far away, hidden with her sister, but fate had decided otherw

o the mud. The horse snorted. Someon

ome d

arm and pull her out of the cart. Her bare feet met the icy earth. She stagger

erupted a

itten. Do you think she'll

her to be strong. Just

f Shadows. The one feared in all lands. The one who rul

spine. A boot slammed into her b


slowly straightened up.

ing than the last. Their faces were marked with scars, their eyes gleaming like those o

center, t


e leather pants and a dark tunic that hinted at a torso sculpted by war. His long black hair fell in thick locks

ed her over slowly, like one would

's not

ut every word sounde

rn her from her home. A mercenary with a

aped. This is what

sence was overwhelming. He didn't need to yell to be heard. He wa

d in fron

as shaking, even if her heart was beating to

A heavy, oppressive silence, where

ure, he grabbed her chi

you can challe

whisper, a blade graz

were sealed with fear, but al

her and took


ed to h

he st

e arose, followed

ne of the warriors, a bl

to the Shadows, whether she's th

turned to r

he belong

those words crash dow

et her ready fo

or as she was carried through the corridors of a da

e walls. An oil lamp flickered in one cor

behind her with

ld have cried, screamed, begged. But


ing to break ev

t going to le

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