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The Cursed King's Rebel Mate

Chapter 3 Chapitre 3

Word Count: 1837    |    Released on: 10/02/2025

icy wind carrying an implacable destiny, a

d upon the solid oak table, the words etched on the paper vibrating with an energy that only ancient tradition could bestow. "Summoning for the Royal Ball of Destinies," she read in a trembling voice, unable to contain the emotion rising

ing curiosity. "I don't want to go," she whispered into the silence of the room, her voice lost in the inner din of her doubts. The very idea of submitting to the pack's unchanging rules re

nt in the fight to maintain the ancestral order. He looked at the parchment in her hands, and, without a word, advanced towards her. "Nyx," he said in a low, almost emotional vo

importance of our customs, but this ball has become the grip of a system that forces us to choose a mat

continued, "My daughter, you know better than anyone that our traditions are not mere burdens, but the foundation upon which our pack's survival rests

freedom and sacred duty. In the silence of the room, she let out a long sigh, her fingers brushing the parchment as if trying to unravel its mys

ted hopes. The summons hung over her like a threatening shadow, and the preparations for the ball, normally imbued with a magic that everyone eagerly awaited, seemed to her like a grotesqu

tempt at reason, "I know you are in the throes of fate, but this ball is a tradition we must upho

t choose a mate to fulfill a tradition, I choose to feed my soul. I do not want a be

ict. Her mother, accustomed to accepting the laws of fate, displayed a gentle resignation, while

ess to so many victories and defeats, seemed to whisper secrets of rebellion and hope to her. She looked at herself in the ancient mirror, scrutinizing her refl

romise, by imposing her own vision of freedom. She began to study the ancient rituals, seeking to understand how to bend the rules without offending sacred traditions. Entire

said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "I know how much you suffer under the weight of these traditions, but remember

hat her father, despite his attachment to tradition, only wished for the best for his daughter. "I will do what I must," she replied,

picked especially for the occasion. The heirs and pack members gathered, each wearing a mask of serene appearance, barely concealing the tension that was buil

nce of ancient rituals with the rebellious spirit that animated her. Her bearing commanded respect, and each step she took resonated like th

ythms, perfectly illustrating the duality of this pivotal moment. While the other heirs let themselves be carried awa

hed her and whispered, "Are you really

ing determination, "I'm not just defying, I'm going to rewrite

room, and soon, a few knowing glances turned to

heir hearts beating to the rhythm of the ancestral drums. Nyx, in the heart of the room, felt overwhelmed by the emotion and raw energy that emanated from this moment. Her g

ming to stretch in a leaden silence. Eyes fixed on her, and in this suspended moment, she declared in a clear and vibrant voice: "I am not here to subm

esitated, others softened, and some saw in his words the echo of a possible future, freed from the chains of a rigid past

it. She announced, in a voice filled with passion, that she intended to redefine the ritual, to include those who, like her, believed that love and destiny should be the

be chained by outdated rites. As the night continued to advance, Nyx, by her act of defiance, had already inscribed in the annals of the pack a new legend

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