Our little secret
nda's voice dropped to a whisper. "Amanda. I heard him call her,Yes, I know, same name, but this Amanda was... different. She was tall, blonde, and had this confident air about her." I felt a pang of unease. "What were they doing?" Amanda's eyes locked onto mine. "They were laughing and talking, very cozy. I didn't think much of it at first, but now that you mention Peter's been acting strange..." My mind was racing,i remembered on several occasions Peter had quietly left my side to take his calls in the bathroom in odd hours, but I didn't think much of it until now . Who is this Amanda, and what did she have to do with Peter's sudden change in behavior? Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I glanced at the screen, and my heart skipped a beat. It was a text from Peter: "Hey, babe. Just wanted to check in. Everything okay?" I looked up at Amanda, my eyes searching for answers. What was going on with Peter, and what did this mysterious Amanda have to do with it? Amanda's eyes widened as she read the text over my shoulder. "What are you going to say?" she whispered. I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Part of me wanted to confront Peter about Amanda's revelation, but another part of me didn't want to jump to conclusions. "I'll play it cool," I decided, typing out a casual response. "Hey, babe. Yeah, everything's fine. Just hanging out with Amanda. We both sat in silence, waiting for Peter's response. The tension was palpable, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Finally, my phone buzzed again. I glanced at the screen, my eyes scanning the message. Peter's response was brief: "Good. Be careful. Love you." Amanda frowned. "That sounds suspicious. What do you think he's hiding?"I bit my lip, trying to decipher Peter's cryptic message. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out," I said, determination etched My heart sank as I realized the truth. Peter was indeed hiding something from me, and it had everything to do with this mysterious Amanda I would suggest you do not ask peter about this,to avoid him playing the guilty card instead embrace the law of detachment and move on with your life,men are not to be trusted,Jason's father did the same to me he promised me the world and some sly bitch is married to him thinking she has found the perfect match Amanda said angrily. I nodded slowly, taking in Amanda's words. She had a point,confronting Peter might not yield the truth, and it could even lead to more lies and manipulation. As I thought about it, I realized that Amanda's advice was rooted in her own experiences. She had been hurt before, and she didn't want me to go through the same pain. "You're right," I said finally, a sense of resolve washing over me. "I don't need