The Ways of an Angels
re, of what we value, and of where we are headed in life. The company you keep can either lift you higher or drag you down. But how do
we dive into that, let's take a moment to expl
ey hold your hand through the storms. A good friend is not defined by the length of time you've known them but by the depth of their loyalty. They're t
question: How do you
you project. If you want kindness, show kindness. If you want loyalty, be loyal. Friendship is
o smile at your face but don't understand your soul. To locate a good friend, you need to look beyond the surface. Observe their ac
friend be
ight overlook, and they guide you with advice and care that come from a place of love. An angel doesn't have to come with wings or a halo-they ca
between a normal friend
but an angel-like friend carries
r pretend; their loyalty
you feel low, their care is
ngels are rare; they stay by yo
by people who called themselves his friends. They laughed at his jokes, came to his parties, and praised him
ly disappeared. All but one-Ada. Ada wasn't flashy or loud. She wasn't the life of the party or the one who always had the perfect w
as the friend he could truly rely on. She didn't need to announce her loyalty, she proved i
h for a good fri
you up or w
to be better or enco
feel safe, love
They are a blessing beyond words. If you're furtunate enough to find one had them close and cherish them. And remember you may also be someone's omeone's angels