r it had vanished. The disappearance of the creature did not stop Sylara's heart from
r hands while painfumemo,riesrsustained intoto her consciousness. It
eeping a steady her with hisyes. He wasn't
said." He maintained his compo
im while concealing her emotional
fore responding with hostil
ted the creature. The dirt was untouched. No, blood. No ash. No remnan
the disapp
crawled down
ath and started to ask Syla
disclose that the matt
have. An aspect of him actively fought against
ted an unknown scent towar
s snapped to
tly toward thcent
Eye Pack's
t while dodging fallen branches anmanoeuvringng between huge trees. As they moved towar
hey sa
ted the night sky. The wolves howled through the dark sky while their pac
to stand upright before she raced toward the nearest burning buildings.
rriors shouted o,ut "Randolph!" No torches,
ched. Not norma
h a rapid backward motion. He cast a quick look o
his next words b
cture's collapse. Her heart jumped into her throat when she spotted a young girl who appea
uld think, sh
ed again. "Sy
while intense burns to her lungs made breathing difficult. Blinding
distant corner where violent coughing fi
ped her arms around the child while
responded, her b
ted the child to her back be
, she se
moved in t
ust beyond
urled aroun
e body but she forced
e collapsing doorway before tumbling into the dirt
asped her to he
en eyes scrutinized her face before they moved
oked Sylara as she gasp
nd reached out to pick up the chil
pward to observe the bur
lowed hard.
toward Sylara before asking
the answe
his hair and exhaled before start
scream cut thr
tely focused on th
in painful convulsions. The warrior's mouth opened wide as if he
stomach d
ed beside her. "
und before she could take action h
nce fell over
e whisper c
ot be here, M
ed. The night h
finally u
't just a
a war
ng far wors