The rejected Alpha gold digger
ing voice cut through the quiet Palace
This was the moment she had expected. The weight of the royal crown which was not yet
started even though her fathers body was still cold
r but she didnt answer. Once tender and full of love the queens face now appeare
peak. With her gaze fixed on her dau
hers passing. This is something you are aware of. You alone are capable of leading us
ill not marry him" in spite of the raging emotional storm inside of h
s a mother second and a queen first and Leo knew her wel
choice Leo. Stability is necessary for the kingdom. And only Charles is able to supply that.
s breath caught in her throat. She had always thought she c
e on Charles though. Knowing his true intentio
awn her words piercing their relationship
e filled the doorway as he stood there.Even though Jude Charles constant advisor was hardly visible behind him, Leo cou
ng, Princess"... but beneath it was a dark avaricious
ere before things got worse and her heart was poun
s not the moment to act disobediently. A decision cannot be delayed any longer by the ki
nse gaze fixed itself on Leo. He advanced s
her thinks we ought to get married. It is the kingdoms best course of acti
t something I want. For me wealth and power are irrelevant. Charles I'll n
tening tone," You think this is about your heart Leo?. It has to do with surviving. Your kingdoms su
r mind twisting in her chest like a dagger. Although she was aware of
steady even as she felt a wave of panic rise within her. "The kingdom will be destroyed if you marry despite your belief that it will be saved
torted into an unreadable expression. For a brief moment, Leo c
to shape this kingdoms future. Everything we own will be los
gaining power.Her thoughts were racing as she turned her back on her mother. The decision was oppressively heavy. There was no
muttered,"Mother, I will not be
tion. As he talked his voice oozed a fake sweetness an
? You believe you can turn me down?" He moved a step closer. "Either you
ccurate. The kingdoms instability would cause it to fall apart if she didn't. Then as thoug
he was bearing a burdensome rea
voice. Leo felt his heart
Jude extended the letter to Leo.
threat or a royal decree? Her body was on high alert as her mind raced. Her fathers
read aloud Leo her voice shaking as the thought occurred to h
ne to marry Charles. The coalitions will fall apart. Our wealth will be depleted. The
ere's nothing you can do. A capable leader is required for the king
d that she was capable of fighting that she could some
zed up at her mother." Would you allow this to occur? Allow this man to rob us of everything?"Queen Aurelias expression softened and sorrow fil
m away with rage." No. I refuse to participate
his face." It's more than just losing everything. The go
you lack the fortitude to say no
thing to do. There is no escape. Without Charles assistance the kingdom wou
t with hardly a sound in
prevailed. On the inside however Leo knew she wouldn't,it
first,I need to read the c